Ying And Yang: The Nature Of The Duality Of Existence

The concept of yin and yang addresses the dual existence of man and the natural world. There is no day without night, no life without death.
Ying and Yang: the nature of the duality of existence

The concept of yin and yang comes from a Chinese philosophy called Taoism, which in this article we would like to call the nature of the duality of existence.

Taoism is a philosophical framework created by Laozi – an admired writer we do not know existed or did not exist. What we do know, however, is that these concepts have existed since the 5th century until today.

Laozi is said to be the author of a book called Tao Te Ching, which roughly translated means “the way to virtue”. This is where the idea of ​​yin and yang first arose.

A translation of yin and yang is “darkness and light”.

Laozi describes them as a duality that exists in everything. Day and night, man and woman, life and death, etc.

They are two opposites that do not contradict each other but complement each other and depend on each other. One side does not want to trample on the other, but they exist in balance with each other.

Medallion with yin and yang.

Yin and yang: the nature of the duality of existence

Taoism says that constant change lies in the nature of everything. Winter follows autumn and spring follows winter, without you doing anything that causes it.

The same thing happens in everyone’s lives. If you want to follow the path to virtue, you must let these things happen, in nature and in your life.

Personal desires and goals lead you to choose to change things and the natural order of things. If, on the other hand, you do nothing, you let things flow as they should, without any pressure to change them.

Yin and yang represent this continuous change. Since the duality expressed in these two concepts is in balance, you have harmony.

However, there is a lack of harmony as one side of duality dominates the other.

Yin corresponds to everything that is feminine. It is soft, warm, passive and dark. Yang represents the masculine. It is hard, dry, active, penetrating and light.

Both elements and their properties are present in everything that exists.

Principles that guide us

According to Taoism, there are a series of unique principles that govern yin and yang. These principles define the dynamics that exist between the two forces and constitute guidelines for how to apply them in concrete situations.

These principles are:

  • Yin and yang are opposites, but they are not exclusive. There may be some yin in a yang reality and vice versa. For example, the moon shines even on a dark night.
  • Interdependence. Yin cannot exist without yang and vice versa. For example, there is no death without life, no life without death.
  • They maintain a dynamic balance. As yin increases, so does yang, and vice versa. When one of the two increases, this forces the other to decrease and it gives rise to a transformation.
  • When one of them disappears, it is transformed into the other. They are not separate realities. They coexist. When one of them disappears, it opens the way for the other. Night and day are perfect examples of this principle.
  • Yin always contains a little yang and vice versa.
Abstract painting.

Practical applications of the nature of the duality of existence

It is important to remember that the concepts of yin and yang are part of a specific philosophy and not a scientific theory.

With that said, there are theories in quantum physics that to some extent are in line with yin and yang. The idea of ​​the inherent duality also has some practical applications.

In martial arts, these concepts are applied. Ideas such as defense / attack and concentration / relaxation come directly from yin and yang.

Chinese medicine also uses this duality and as a complement to diagnose and treat diseases. 

The concept of duality can also be applied to daily life to achieve inner peace. Let things flow. Accept that the night opens the way for the day, the sadness for happiness, the light for darkness, etc.

Do not try to do everything positively. Instead, acknowledge that duality exists. This is the Taoist’s path to a peaceful life.

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