When You Know The Relationship Is Over

When you know the relationship is over

You may think we made a mistake with the title of this article. Shouldn’t that be an issue? But I do not intend to ask you when you know that the relationship is over, but rather describe some of the feelings we usually experience when the relationship is over.

No matter how sad it may seem , many of us stay in relationships for too long, even though we know that the spark is gone and that all that is left is the ashes of a fire that once burned majestically and happily.

That is why we should end the relationship when we know there is nothing left, to celebrate something that was once beautiful. Pulling out the suffering for an unnecessarily long time will only throw more dirt on the dying fire and cloud the happy memories that two loving souls once shared.

Now I ask a question, and the question is why one should pull out on a dying relationship? Is it really worth it? Are the bonds that unite you really so strong that you feel you can not stop the bleeding, even though the love disappeared a long time ago?

Sad woman

For humans, the need to feel protected in our routine conditions is quite strong. In this way, we believe that we are less alone, and we know that there will always be someone waiting at home.

The men and women of this world are so afraid of loneliness, because we were not brought up to live that way. We always need someone at home waiting for us.

Since we were little , we have been taught that a relationship is something we need as adults. With a job, a house and a partner, your life is complete, and you have achieved all the necessary goals.

But every day we can see more and more that this does not satisfy us. We must be ourselves and achieve our most hidden dreams, but we are not prepared to achieve these goals and we become frustrated with our inability to truly be happy with ourselves.

In these moments , we take refuge in the routine, broken relationships that bleed love from every corner, but which also offer a certain peace and rest, even though we are far from what we really need and dream about.

We have been taught to be afraid, and a very common fear is to lose someone we love, despite the fact that it is no longer love.

Maybe the affection is still there, and there may even be some respect, understanding and friendship or camaraderie. But this is not love, and not knowing it comes along with the fear of losing the person clouding the mind, heart and soul, and preventing us from making the fateful decision to end the relationship.

Maybe it’s the insecurity we have felt since we were little that keeps us from making difficult decisions.
You know that love is over, but you can not say it out loud or even to yourself.

Maybe it’s the fear of loneliness, not having someone to come home to, that prevents you from making what you know would be the best decision, because you do not see the value in guiding yourself in the right direction.

When the relationship is over

Maybe you’re afraid of what other people will say. How will your family take it? What should your neighbors and friends think? How do you tell the children? And at the same time, you live an unhappy and painful life where your dignity is dragged along the ground for a relationship that lost its passion years ago. And it kills you slowly but surely inside.

It is not always easy to listen to your heart, especially when it is broken. But it is necessary; Being with your partner when the relationship is over, when it has no love anymore, is one of the worst things you can do to your soul. So be brave, think honestly and do what it takes to be happy again.

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