When What You Think Makes You Sick

When what you think makes you sick

Every thought that occurs in the mind can make itself a reality. This is really a beautiful premise – if used correctly. However, it can also refer to negative thoughts. Negative thinking can reach a point where it affects our lives, and there are people who get sick just by thinking about them.

We are not talking exclusively about hypochondriacs – the people who experience that they are constantly sick. Have you ever heard of the term “psychosomatic”? It means that you experience certain symptoms after thinking about them. For example, someone who reads about migraines may suffer from a severe headache.

However, it goes beyond making ourselves sick by thinking about it. Psychologists note that the reasons why someone makes themselves ill through negative thoughts vary. One of these is cognitive distortion. This type of imbalance can generate emotional problems, one of which is “self-inflicted” illness.

The experiences of stimulation that we receive during our lives are saved in our minds and “brought out” when we think it is necessary. We are the ones who open the drawers to remove certain facts, feelings or memories. They can make you happy, depressed, sick, etc.

But as Epictetus once said, “It is not what happens to you, but how you react to what counts.” This means that excessive, internal dialogue about bad news and negative opinions can actually make us sick. It is not like the hypochondriacs, who “invent” or just think they are sick – the mind has the actual ability to make us sick. At the same time, the mind also (and this is the good news) has the power to heal us.

We could also talk about the placebo effect in this article – which has the ability to counteract cognitive problems – but we’ll leave that for another time (you can read more about it via the link).

Among the worst things you can do for your health is to think negative thoughts. If you are constantly thinking “I’m feeling bad”, “I think I’m getting sick”, “I will collapse soon”, “I can not fight anymore”, “if I go out and it’s cold I will get pneumonia ”etc. the risk is greater that this will become a reality.

Some say that it is not only the mind that has the ability to heal or make us sick, but also that our cells and organs can “hear” us and act accordingly. Remember that everything in your body generally works to fulfill your desires. You are the king, and they are your subjects. So they will say to you, “Your desire is our law, Your Highness.” Be very careful about what you think, because it can become a reality. This applies to good as well as evil.


If your thoughts make you feel fear, insecurity, anxiety or depression all the time, this is perceived by the immune system, which in an attempt to follow your command lowers the defenses and allows viruses and bacteria to invade your body.

Have you ever stopped and thought at what times in life do we usually get sick? If you could not guess, it’s when we’re sad. We can not only blame winter and lower temperatures; we should focus more on our thoughts.

For example, if you are sitting on the subway next to a passenger sneezing because of the flu, your first reaction will be “now I will definitely catch a cold or get the flu”. This message is received by your body, and that is when the body begins to work to make your “request” a reality. So the next day you lie in bed with fever, sore throat and cough. It may seem like an exaggeration, but it is true.

Stop thinking about illness if you do not want to get sick. If you suffer from any kind of infection, think about how you will be healed and do not ponder the pain or symptoms. Think positively, about being healthy and strong, you will notice the change your body makes.

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