When Ignorance Speaks, Intelligence Laughs

When ignorance speaks, intelligence laughs

Sometimes people are silent when faced with criticism, jealousy or provocation; not because they lack argument or courage. It’s just that when ignorance speaks, intelligence stays quiet, laughs to itself and walks away slowly.

But we all know that it is not easy to be silent when you are criticized. According to a study published in USA Today , 70% feel hurt by criticism, 20% respond to it and react angrily and only 10% reflect on it.

One of the reasons why it is so difficult to accept criticism is that people need to feel accepted and confirmed. Criticism is the loss of this personal balance that is sewn together with pride. But when the criticism is based on ignorance, there is no risk to your self-concept.

We should all accept that some arguments are simply not worth it. Where there are ears that do not listen and narrow-mindedness that can not be changed by explanations, it is better to be quiet, laugh and let it be.


Ignorance is the seed of intolerance

Let’s start by focusing on the meaning of intolerance. We do not mean a lack of culture or knowledge. The most harmful form of ignorance is that which lacks intimacy, empathy and sensitivity. The guy who comes with an inability to place himself in someone else’s shoes; the type who likes to judge.

The highest level of ignorance is when you reject something you know nothing about. When you know that you lack facts or information, but you are committed to maintaining this position instead of finding the information. These attitudes are a seed of intolerance and rudeness, which most of us have experienced at times.

The most complicated part is that ignorance sometimes exists in our immediate circles. With parents and other close family members, who judge everyone without knowing or wanting to learn about their interests and needs. In these cases, intolerance, criticism and rudeness are hurtful things.


The wounds heal over time and you mature and will eventually understand many things. You understand that people have not changed, and that people do not move from ignorance to knowledge because they want to. When faced with all these behaviors, there is no choice but to accept that the fight is lost, maintain its dignity and calm down. Understand that in the end it is better to be quiet, smile with intelligence and keep a distance from these people.

When intelligence has to react

It is not always possible or right to choose to be silent when you are treated badly. Sometimes intelligence has to react to defend one’s integrity . Sometimes it is necessary to say strictly and mark where the boundaries go.

It is good to react in the following situations:

  • When you are met by manipulative people, when the voice of ignorance crosses the line of respect, when do you have to act.
  • You must never let manipulative people take control. You should as soon as possible hijack their comments, their rudeness and their biting sarcasm.

There are many people in the world who are skilled at humiliating others. They can do it both publicly and privately, and they do it to gain power. The root of this behavior is jealousy.

  • You can not defeat such people by shouting at them, by humiliating them or by being violent. What defeats them is that you do not care, which shows that they have no power over you. You will make clear what you think about their behavior. Be direct, maintain eye contact and be strict.
  • If they then continue with their attitude, show them that what they say and do does not affect you, and that it does not influence you.

We all know that the most harmful ignorance can plant seeds in your path. But it’s just weeds. Think carefully about which battles are worthwhile and which are not, because the most important thing is that you maintain your inner peace.

Be skilled and understand that narrow-minded people never understand big dreams, and that some ears are deaf to intelligent words.

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