We Were A Short Story I Will Read Over And Over Again

We were a short story I will read over and over again

Before I knew you, I did not know I could fall in love in just two days. I did not know that I could feel your caress for a long time after in my heart. A distance of months and miles separates us, and these two days became a short story that I have read over and over again.

Our story consisted of truths, of midnight glances, of hugs under the sheets, of naked bodies in the morning light. It’s a short story we told each other in a few hours, when we barely had time to discover each other’s lives.

Despite the time that has passed, I have not lost the knowledge that you, for a moment, were my companion – the person I could trust. You supported and understood me for a time when no one else did. You reminded me that I could live, that I could cry and that I could feel. You made me see that I needed to be myself.

Our short story

You opened my eyes to a world that until then I had only seen through other people’s standards; a world they drew for me, but which I had nothing to do with. You gave me strength, even when you were no longer by my side.

We invented thousands of stories with our dreams. We shortened the distance that separated us while continuing to talk and laugh, without the oceans being able to stop us.

In two days, many things can be learned; two bodies can reveal themselves and many emotions. In two days I learned from you that we must live the life we ​​want, without thinking about what other people want. I learned that if we open our eyes and really focus, we will see many things and many people that we sometimes do not notice.

You taught me what pleasure is, what laughter is, what a slow, strong hug is, what it means for someone to truly appreciate me. You taught me to know what I want and desire, and above all what I do not want.

I know we will not continue with each other, at least not now. I do not know what will happen in the future, if we will find a common place and time to hug each other, where our eyes can understand each other without uttering a single word.

If I see you, I will always remember the story of our two days together and our walks between the trees. I will remember what we told each other and what we could never say.

I will always remember your last words: “This is not the last time”. You said this just before the ocean separated us for a much longer time than we expected. An ocean of time that washed away our story, our hugs and our shared glances among its waves of hours and days without you.

I often ask myself if our story is over and my heart just denies it. But it is not possible that chance brought me to you just to take you away from me and prevent us from ever recognizing each other.

Couple under starry sky

Maybe we will write another story and dare to write about the short story that had no end. Or maybe everything will come to an end here because that’s how it must be and because other things we are unaware of must happen. Only time will tell.

I want you to be in my life, in any way, as long as you’re there. I want us to listen to each other, to move on while we know each other, because nothing can stop us from having a trust that grows every second we are together.

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