Two Successful And Inspiring Women

Two successful and inspiring women

During all the historical eras, there are women who have gone beyond the average and stood out from the crowd for what they did. Often these women are memorable because the things they did at that time seemed impossible for their gender.

Today we are going to talk about two very inspiring women who were at the same time very different. One was a protected young girl who grew up without the ability to see, speak or hear. She struggled during her childhood, and few people thought she could do anything with her life.

The other woman was one who had to deal with pain throughout her life. She focused on this pain and turned it into art. Although she never found true happiness, she left the world with a fantastic art collection that remains admired and studied even today.

How many times have you avoided something because you did not think you could do it? Everyone lets opportunities slip by because they think they can do nothing or because they do not dare to make the decision required at the right time. But Helen Keller overcame this human tendency to fear the impossible. She was born in 1880, and when she was only 19 months old, she contracted a disease that left her blind and deaf.

Helen Keller

Because she was so young when this happened and did not yet have any developed hearing, she was unable to learn to speak. Her family turned to every possible alternative available at this time. When she turned seven, they hired a teacher for her who was also blind. This teacher managed to teach Helen how to read Braille, to communicate with cards and writing and how to read lips.

When she was an adult , she learned to speak. Over time, she became a strong fighter for the rights of deafblind and visually impaired people. Heller Keller died at the age of 87 and had written 14 books and more than 475 articles and essays. The lesson that Hellen Keller taught the world is that physical limitations do not matter. What matters is mental energy and passion.

The other of our famous and inspiring women is Frida Kahlo. This woman of Mexican descent demonstrated that not even the deepest and most intense of pain can extinguish talent and brilliance, even though it kept her bedridden for most of her life. She was born in 1907, and from childhood her life was defined by physical pain and illness.

Frida Kahlo

The worst tragedy came in 1925, when she was involved in a very serious bus accident that broke her back in three places. This accident made her almost completely powerless and bedridden. After this incident , she began to immerse herself in art. Art gave her the chance to escape from the emotional tragedies of her life, which came in many forms. Two that really influenced her were her husband Diego Rivera’s infidelity and the fact that she did not undergo a successful pregnancy.

Through painting, she was able to express and expel all the pain she was suffering from. The majority of her work consists of self-portraits because she focused on what she felt best: herself. Frida Kahlo died at the age of 47 and gave the world almost 400 works of art, which remain inspiring, admired and studied by the whole world.

There is a certain stereotype in the world that women, for unclear reasons, have a relatively simple life. That women are protected and have an easier way to follow because of their gender. However, this is not true, and in reality it is struggles, obstacles and experiences that really create strong individuals. The next time you feel that your life is complicated and that you are defeated, think of these two amazing and inspiring women – Helen Keller and Frida Kahlo.

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