Trying To Control Everything Is Unhealthy

Trying to control everything is unhealthy

Trying to control everything is one of the fantasies of our modern times. Human history is a depiction of the progressive conquest of the forces of nature. Our species began as a powerless mammal. Since then, we have taken a huge step forward, which has enabled us to gradually unravel the mysteries of our surroundings.

Now we live in ravaged times. Everything happens so fast and we can not keep up with everything. With that said, it’s no wonder we fantasize about being able to control everything. Underlying that imagination is a desire to walk on solid ground. We want to feel at the helm of our own lives.

The hard thing to understand is that we do not always realize that trying to control everything is a fantasy. That is an impossible goal. When we forget it, we behave in such a way that it generates waves of anxiety. We find ourselves in situations where we constantly lose control, and we feel frustrated.

Everything is in constant motion and there are hundreds of factors that are not in our control. What lives is constantly changing. Today it is one way and tomorrow it will be another way. Death is the only condition that is absolutely certain. Life is what happens between uncertainties and unexpected flows.

We do not live in an age where we can live cautiously anymore. We are constantly bombarded by hundreds of stimuli. You wake up and immediately your head is filled with ideas and emotions that crash into each other. You feel that there is so much to do, but not enough time to do it.

Every day we experience conflicting impulses and emotions. Sometimes we even need to redirect them without taking the time to fully understand them. We just need to work. To do that , you have to set boundaries for yourself. You need to quickly go beyond the uncomfortable thoughts and feelings that get in the way of production and action.

Woman behind flowers

We may not think of it this way, but we would like to be able to control everything. This is why, when something does not go as planned or we encounter some kind of obstacle, we can get annoyed. It is a kind of rebellion against a reality that goes against our goals.

Under these circumstances, we usually end up in a paradox. We have control over our finances, but we cannot control our insomnia. We can control our fatigue, but important relationships slip out of our hands. No matter how hard we try, we will never be able to control everything.

Some other cultures possess a knowledge that we in Western culture often forget. Life is not experienced with the mind, but with the senses. Thoughts are always there, and interpret reality. The mind directs our lives based on prejudices, fears, ambitions and a long line and more, and more. At the same time, it often deprives us of the experience of experiencing every day directly skin to skin.

What does this have to do with the desire to control everything? What happens is that the mind begins to function in this way: it limits and seizes everything to adapt it and control it in some way. Perception, sensations and emotions work differently. They are more rebellious and chaotic, but also more free and authentic. This is what sabotages our attempts to control everything. But, it also makes it possible for us to experience happiness.

Woman face giving the impression of control

We are often at odds with ourselves. Our thoughts give us some content and then we try to get rid of it. We do not try to understand it, but remove it from our consciousness as soon as possible. For example, if we feel a little anxious, we immediately try to push it away and weaken it. If we instead adopted an attitude of acceptance and observation, we might have a different point of view.

Learn to experience without judging yourself or thinking too much. Just be contemplative. Do not try to control everything. Instead, let everything flow, internally and externally. This is the way that allows you to experience life in a more genuine way, without worries. A new form of understanding emerges that does not express itself as an intellectual lesson but as a life lesson. It is a higher consciousness that leads you to balance.

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