To Love And Be Loved: Emotional Footprints

To love and be loved: Emotional footprints

In today’s society, there is a very widespread perception that trauma is the only thing that affects us. We overlook the importance of other things like loving and being loved. We have the idea that only negative things leave marks.

In general, and by basing our thoughts on television, cinema and books, we can say that society believes that an emotional imprint is the change that occurs in a person who has gone through a traumatic situation. This usually happens quite radically.

Therefore, as we said at the beginning, almost everything related to emotional imprints is something bad or painful. It is true that trauma causes real pain. But what happens at positive events? What is it like to love and be loved?

The search for love

The question has been asked: what happens at positive events? Do they leave an imprint on us? The answer is yes.

Let’s start by asking the right questions. Can positive events affect our behavior, our emotions, and our thoughts? If something good happens to us, if we get good news or we get a good job, for example, will we notice changes?


Our personality is built up of behaviors, emotions and thought patterns over time. So if we experience positive events for a long time, will not this have an impact on us?

And isn’t the phenomenon of loving and being loved the most beautiful thing in our lives? Perhaps this is one of the most powerful processes that man has within himself. It is strange to think that the number of neurons, hormones, behaviors, thoughts and emotions that are linked to love is all that it consists of.

If we love or are loved for a long enough time, our personality can change. Is love an emotional footprint if expressed correctly?

An example of loving and being loved

Psychology has had a lot to say about love and the bond that is created between people, and it catalogs different types of terms. But perhaps we can better understand how love affects us through a simple example.

We’ve had a partner for a while now. We were single for a long time before this person now showed up and changed our world. Or at least he tries to do this because he himself of course also has scars. It’s hard for us to believe that we’re falling in love again, after all we’ve been through. 

As the relationship progresses, we will begin to forget everything that held us back, and the other person will work to fill us with hope.

We become filled with hope, and we try to find a place for the person in our lives. He or she becomes part of our mental standard of happiness. We go back to being ourselves without secrets. While we live together, there are quarrels, stupid quarrels and ridiculousnesses that we accept.

But as part of the magic, we discover aspects of ourselves that we considered to be lies. Empathy for someone we love. Concern for his well-being. That stuttering within us where we used to have nerves of steel. That desire to share and enjoy.

We experience that everything changes. We change, but not because of the other person who thinks that everything seems good, but because of that created feeling in our senses and hearts. In fact, we change and accept the change with happiness and gratitude. We forget fear and get over our scars and our trauma. We leave behind a much stronger imprint than before, more visible and more beautiful.

Why so much effort?

In this article, we have done a lot to convince you that love can have a much greater impact on our psyche and our personality than negative events. This can be true or false; we must consider all factors and types of events. So why so much effort?


Quite honestly because of justice. Justice for that feeling, for healthy relationships and positive emotions. Every day we see situations where negative feelings, clichés and stereotypes about loving and being loved take away our hope and limit our ability to be happy in a relationship.

These words of encouragement are dedicated to all those who have not dared, who tend to focus on scars and who want to hope but are too afraid to do so. In the end, why not leave some more emotional imprints? But let them be good this time.

So that we not only feel grateful and proud of our own feelings and emotional imprints, but also for those we have become by experiencing these imprints, by being aware of them and understanding them. The result of basing ourselves on loving and being loved.

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