Time Is The Most Valuable Gift We Can Give

Time is the most valuable gift we can give

It is important that you appreciate your friends when they give of their time, because what they give you is something they will never get back. When they do this, they tell you that they love you, that they appreciate you and that they appreciate your company.

But you should understand the difference between someone who gives of their free time and someone who creates free time to be with you. You can not give them the same value, even if both situations deserve gratitude.

It’s really great when someone with a full schedule pauses their commitments to spend time with you or listen to you. These opportunities are worth appreciating because they are shared with people who give of their care and who want to speak the language of emotions.


How much is an hour of your time worth?

The night has already fallen, but the little boy tried to stay awake. He was waiting for his father and his eyelids were very tired when the door was opened.

Boy: Dad, can I ask you a question?

Father: Yes. What is it?

Boy: How much do you earn per hour?

His father became annoyed and was very brief when he answered.

Father: You have nothing to do with it. Why are you asking me such a thing?

Boy: I just want to know. Please tell us how much you earn per hour.

The father: I earn SEK 200 per hour, he replied angrily.

Boy: Oh… could I borrow 100?


The father got furious: If the only reason you wanted to know was because you wanted money to buy some silly toy, stay in your room and think about why you’re so selfish. I work hard every day, and now when I get home I meet this.

The boy quietly closed the door to his room. The man sat down and became increasingly angry over the boy’s question. How did he dare to ask such questions just to get some money?

After about an hour, the man calmed down and began to think. Maybe there was something he really needed to buy. The boy seldom asked for money. So he opened the boy’s door.

Father: Are you sleeping, my son?

Boy: No, I’m awake.

The father: I have been thinking and maybe I was a little too harsh. It’s been a long day, and I took my frustration out on you. Here is the hundred you asked me for.

The boy said thank you and then took out a handful of coins.


The man saw that the boy already had money and he started getting angry again. The boy slowly counted his money and then looked at his father.

Father: Why do you want more money if you already have so much?

Boy: Because I did not have enough, but I have now. Dad, now that I’m 200, can I buy an hour of your time? Please come home early tomorrow because I would like to have dinner with you.

The father put his arms around his little son and asked him for forgiveness.


The best emotional gift: your time

Never forget that the best investment you can make will always be the time you dedicate to your family and friends. Unfortunately, we only realize this when it is too late and we have lost the chance to give this gift to the people around us.

If you die tomorrow, there will soon be someone taking your place at work. But the family and friends you leave behind will not be able to fill that emotional void you will leave behind. So it is clear that there is no time more valuable than the one you spend with your loved ones.

Be with those who appreciate you, who hug you, who do not lie to you, and who can make you feel things without touching you. Dedicate time to the people who deserve it and who make you feel good. Those who love you will show this sooner or later. Do not forget to put your stress aside and take care of your loved ones as if there was no tomorrow.

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