The Present Is The Only Thing That Counts

The present is the only thing that counts

Living in the present is an idea we are all aware of but which very few really practice; this is because we spend so much time hurrying, working, stressing and the like.

Only when we are sick or faced with difficult situations do we become aware of the here and now – the present. That now that we ignore without realizing it.

But sacrificing our present to think about the future prevents us from enjoying the “here and now.” This “here and now” is all that your life means, where all the potential for happiness lies.

It’s one of the most famous sayings, and you may even have used it sometime. But how long did it last? Certainly only a day or two.

Hurrying, stressing and always thinking about the future prevents us from seeing the present and what we have achieved so far. It prevents us from enjoying our successes and forces us to always look beyond ourselves.


It may be true that the present lasts only a moment. A minute that has already passed can be considered the past and the minute we are heading towards is our future. All we really have is now.

The time is short-lived and difficult to get a taste of. The interesting thing is that we place more emphasis on our past and our future than our own now. What passes so quickly before our eyes; so fast that we do not even notice it.

We are used to looking at where we should set foot instead of focusing on the step itself. This does not mean that we should not think about our past or our future. The past can help us learn and make progress, and the future can help us achieve goals, motivate ourselves and dream with our desires. But then where is the present?

Avoiding the past is something we do unconsciously. This is how we have been taught, and that is why we ignore it without noticing it. But why do we do it?

Instead of living in the present, we idealize the future; the future we always think about, but which always seems to be very far away. We think of an idealized future, almost like a dream that will never come true.

As we have already mentioned, the future is that minute, that hour that is arriving. Thinking of the future as something distant and idealized is a way to escape from a now we can not deal with.

Why do we think that what is further along the road is always better? Because everyone thinks that way; but does it work?

Be sure not to idealize the future, as you may be surprised when it arrives. You think, “Is this all?” Your future will be a disappointment that will never make you happy.

Bicycle with balloons

Because once you reach that goal, you will continue to think about tomorrow and the day after that, and so on. You will continue to try to look even further ahead when you should instead look at the steps you are currently taking.

What advice should you keep in mind to focus on the day and not tomorrow?

  • If you want to do something, do it now. Whether it’s making a trip, changing jobs or changing your life. Do not think that tomorrow will be better than today. If you’m sure of something, do not think about it – just do it!
  • Do not think about what can happen. Enjoy what you have now. What will happen, will happen!
  • Be realistic about the present and do not idealize a fictitious future. If you want to achieve something in the future, you should do it now.
  • The right time is always now!

Do you want to add any advice? If there is something you want to do in life, do not think about whether you could have done it in the past or if you will do it another day. The present is what counts, so do not let your life pass you by without meaning.

The secret to giving life meaning is to take action. Do not dream that your life passes you by. Actions are what counts; here and now is what you should think about.

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