The Mystery Of Mental Attraction: When Two Souls Embrace Each Other

The mystery of mental attraction: When two souls embrace each other

Sometimes two souls meet and almost without knowing how, we enter the same gravitational field where almost everything will fit. We are talking about mental attraction that goes beyond the physical world. It captures and dazzles you, in the place where two souls meet. They embrace each other and sail along the same path together.

This type of attraction that goes beyond the skin is more common than we think. But this does not change the fact that physical appearance continues to be important. In fact, just as the social psychologist Solomon Ash showed in his work “Implicit Theories of the Personality”, people believe that everything that is beautiful is good and therefore beneficial.

When it comes to attraction, we need to keep in mind that a large portion of these mechanisms are controlled by unconscious processes. Physical appearance is our front page and biggest claim, we know that. But this claim is not always perfect. Biology, chemistry and our psycho-emotional needs create this gravitational field that makes us attractive to certain people. Sometimes we click without knowing it, and we do everything to have these people close to us.

We are not talking about “soul mates”, but rather about personalities who create bonds. Personalities who are in perfect harmony and who are capable of creating strong and enriching bonds.


Mental attraction does not seek soulmates, but rather companions on the journey

According to a study conducted by Dr. Raymond Knee, director of the psychological laboratory at the University of Rochester, over 50% of all people believed that soulmates exist. In other words, that people will find each other according to fate and that this type of attraction goes beyond what can be seen with the naked eye.

Within the concept of soulmates, the aspect of mental attraction is undoubtedly a fundamental cornerstone. But just as the same author explains in articles like “The Science of Soulmates” , this type of attraction will go beyond simple mental processes associated with values, needs and care to reach a more spiritual field.

It is clear that this perspective is not valid from a scientific point of view. It is not because some people leave to fate certain things that should be under our control. For authentic mental attraction does not mean that one understands magic or destiny, but rather about the bonding of two mature personalities who, in addition to honest love, seek a relationship with a person on the journey through life.


United by fate or united to grow

Dr. Raymond Knee is still studying the social perception of “soulmates”. In this case, we can take a test to evaluate our view on the subject. After we have performed these tests, we will know if we belong to one of these groups.

  • People who believe that soulmates exist. From this point of view, mental attraction is understood as a process where our union with the other person is so intimate and exceptional that we do not have to say what we want or what we lack. The other person will know this and we are a united being.
  • People who believe in love relationships as part of their personal and emotional development. In this case, fate does not matter much. No one will be with anyone else according to fate. We are the people who create our relationships by investing time, will and effort when we find that person we have with us on the journey.

In the second case, mental attraction means that we share interests, passions, values ​​and the simplicity with which we negotiate. It includes how we understand each other to reach agreements without waiting for the other person to “guess” what is wrong with us. Understanding it in some other way can lead us to great frustration.

The keys to mental attraction

Physical attraction is something very strong, intense and uncontrolled. We know and love this fact. But the magic that characterizes the most authentic and stable relationships is balance. To find an ideal balance between both dimensions. A place where mental seduction is the interesting ingredient.

If we stop and think about the keys to an authentic mental attraction, we will realize something. There is nothing supernatural about this. Instead, there is a lot of emotion, drive, chemistry and that kind of intuition that is buried in our subconscious. This mix tells us that this specific person is the one who is best suited for the particular occasion. 

Let’s look at some of its aspects.


The first aspect is undoubtedly reciprocity. Something as basic as being treated in a positive way, feeling recognized and appreciated. Something as basic as seeing ourselves as important figures in the other person’s eyes. This forms a very important attraction.

Mental attraction also involves common interests. That you see the world from the same point of view and according to the same principles. There can be some differences in certain aspects of course. But these small dissonances are respected and appreciated.

Mental attraction is ignited by challenges. There are people who make us feel alive, who challenge us. They have that subtle combination where what is known is mixed with the unknown. A little at a time, something is created that enlivens us. It fills our senses to light up our hearts and let our souls embrace each other.

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