The Meaning Of Peaceful Coexistence

Knowing how to live together in harmony is an important part of human life and something that comes from both the heart and the mind. It enables us to create a more empathetic and understandable society, where we can more easily agree and solve problems and move forward as a unit.
The importance of peaceful coexistence

Coexistence is the pillar that sustains many aspects of human life. Achieving a harmonious, efficient and peaceful coexistence as highly social beings, not only helps to guarantee our survival as a group, but also to promote well-being and progress.

Psychiatrist Enrique Rojas believes that coexistence is mainly the art of knowing how to share and participate in the lives of others, while allowing them to get involved in our own existence. As we know all too well, it is almost never as simple as it sounds. As it is sometimes difficult for members of the same family to live together in peace, it is not difficult to understand how challenging coexistence can be on an international and global level.

It takes more than a few agreements, good words and peace agreements to ensure harmonious coexistence on a global level. In addition to all this, it requires human commitment and willpower. In that, we all have an important role to play. We do not achieve great revolutions by moving mountains, but by moving the rocks from which the mountains are made.

Real change is often silent and takes place in small and significant ways a little closer each day. This is how each of us can get involved.

Girl with flower bouquet

The pillars of peaceful coexistence

In his theory of moral development, the American psychologist Lawrence Kohlberg points out that the most important stage for all children occurs at the age of 10, with what is called the autonomous stage. This is the moment when we realize that when you look beyond societal norms, you find human needs. Only then do we become aware of the value of individual actions, altruism and compassion.

Coexistence is not only based on the need to respect and live in peace with each other. In fact, it goes far beyond that. Achieving peaceful coexistence requires a certain level of commitment, proactivity and hard work, in all aspects of our daily lives. Not only the great nations must learn to live in harmony in order to reduce conflicts and differences.

Knowing how to live together peacefully is the backbone of all aspects of human life. It is the core of all love relationships, where couples can live together, start a family and raise children together. Peaceful coexistence is crucial for all societies, associations, workplaces and other environments where we come into contact with other people.

If we want to achieve this, we all have a responsibility to get to know and understand each other and see ourselves reflected in those around us. This social dynamic helps to promote empathy, emotions and tolerance.

Let’s take a look at some of the other important components.

Rejection of violence in all its forms

May 16 every year we celebrate International Day for Peaceful Coexistence. This is the perfect moment to reflect on how each of us can contribute to this goal.

One aspect that requires special attention is the commitment to non-violence. Although it is undoubtedly the most obvious and tangible form, it is important to understand that “violence” does not just mean physical aggression.

  • One example is knowing how to talk respectfully to each other and without resorting to aggressive forms of communication.
  • To be able to understand without discrimination and to accept differences rather than to attack, criticize or dismiss them.
  • Gandhi talked a lot about the art of non-violence. He showed that it is the only way to promote a harmonious existence between individuals and nations.
Peaceful coexistence

Compassion and solidarity

Coexistence will never be possible if we cannot learn to appreciate each other and accept that other people, like ourselves, have their own opinions, origins, values ​​and needs. We are all different, but still the same. We are all worthy of appreciation, respect and the chance to build the life we ​​want.

To achieve this, we must work to create more solidarity and compassion.

Peaceful coexistence and the importance of moving forward together in the pursuit of the same goal

Throughout history, people have had to work together to coexist in an ever-changing world, full of uncertainties and new threats. This is how we have survived as a species and this is how we will continue to overcome difficult periods.

To achieve this lofty goal, it is important that we put differences, selfishness and personal interests aside.

To take care of our planet

It is almost impossible to talk about the importance of coexistence without putting it in any context: like our planet. The earth gives us a home, and gives each of us the opportunity to exist here. We all understand the importance of addressing aspects such as peace, social equality and non-discrimination, as well as avoiding violence in all its forms.

But a final aspect that we cannot ignore, especially now, is the need to take care of and protect the earth and each of its many ecosystems. If life is balance and balance can only be achieved when we know how to live together in harmony, we must also learn to take care of the home that has protected us for millennia, both for our sake and for future generations.

Each of us must take the time to reflect on these key components. It is important to understand that coexistence ultimately begins at home, with the people closest to us. We all have a role to play in the social, emotional and existential context that is what is human coexistence.

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