The Benefits Of Dancing In Old Age

One of the most notable benefits of dance in old age is its ability to reduce feelings of depression, isolation and loneliness.
The benefits of dancing in old age

There are many benefits to dancing in old age. Physically, it improves your mobility and balance, and can help prevent your joints from becoming stiff. It also has emotional benefits as it is a source of joy, confidence and motivation. Dancing helps many seniors avoid swimming in lakes of negative emotions.

The poet Charles Baudelaire once said that one way to demystify music was to channel it through dance. This is something everyone who has ever danced knows. But some people never try dancing until they are in their 60s or 70s.

Dancing can be a physical and emotional awakening for some people. It is important not to forget how important it is to find sources of motivation in old age. As you probably know, this can really increase a person’s life expectancy.

Our image of the elderly has changed a lot in recent times. Now many of us can imagine active people who are willing to explore, try new things and grow as human beings. Dancing is a great way to improve your physical health and also a great excuse to be in a social environment and connect with other people.

Dancing woman

No one can stop aging. But that does not mean that you have to be in a constant state of decay. Everyone treats this part of their life in their own way depending on their state of mind, habits and health.

Prevention is a big aspect to keep in mind. Having specific daily strategies to combat aging can ensure a good quality of life. Things like a healthy diet or having a good social network will ensure that you reach old age happy and in good health.

If an older person has never danced before, it is worth encouraging them to try it. Below we list some of its potential benefits.

Dancing improves the quality of life of people with Parkinson’s

A study conducted by the University of Washington’s School of Medicine showed that dance has great benefits for people with Parkinson’s disease. They think it can be very helpful with the following problems:

  • It can help them fall less often. Improve their movements, rhythm, speed and flexibility.
  • Strengthen and tone muscles.
  • Strengthen cognitive processes such as attention and memory.
  • Improve your self-esteem.
Dancing older

It reduces depression-related symptoms

Doctors Amanda Haboush and Mark Floyd from the University of Nevada conducted a study at some nursing homes with dance programs. Many of the residents with mood disorders showed a clear improvement only after two weeks of dancing. They felt less depressed and had less stress, anxiety and sleep disorders.

As we said earlier, prevention is important for the aging process. One way to find new sources of energy in old age is to go to a dance center. It is difficult to deny the benefits of this, such as connecting with other people, fighting loneliness and preventing things like apathy and lack of motivation.

dancing in old age

Dancing in old age makes the brain happy

A body in motion sharpens your senses and makes you connect with yourself and your surroundings. Dancing to music activates your brain and gives you extra serotonin and endorphins. It also makes you laugh, make you aware and forget your physical pains and gives the world meaning.

A study at Saint Louis University showed that two dance sessions a week for two months allow older people to reduce their anti-inflammatory medication. Their arthritis and osteoarthritis related pains have also been reduced  and they are more mobile and faster.

Researchers also say that dance is good for the brain because it combines aerobic exercise with neural activity. It forces you to make quick decisions, which strengthens your neural networks and helps you create new ones.

The benefits of dancing in old age clearly have scientific support. It is also more than revealing to both those who have practiced dance throughout their lives and they have just begun to see.

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