Resistance: To Be Strong Despite The Storms Of Life

Resistance: To be strong despite the storms of life

There are people who stand out because of their resilience. It is precisely these people who stay afloat during hard times. They know that it is impossible to be immune to suffering and that the storms that make our days dark are also opportunities to overcome obstacles. So they arm themselves with courage and they keep repeating the mantra of moving forward, despite all the adversity.

To have resilience in our daily lives

Resistance is a concept that has become very relevant in recent years, especially from a perspective such as positive psychology where the interest lies in studying the characteristics that allow people to overcome adversity.


When we talk about resilience, we tend to think of traumatic events, such as the loss of a loved one, coping with an accident or situations of abuse… But in our daily lives there are also complex situations that we have to deal with. A catastrophe does not have to happen; overcoming everyday problems such as responding to criticism, dealing with a person better or starting the day with a smile is also being resilient.

We all have our own struggles to deal with and our own resources to deal with them in one way or another; we just have to discover them.

Properties of resistant people

There are people who are resilient because they have been able to follow an example, such as their parents or a sibling, but others have learned to deal with this themselves. They have learned from their mistakes and become stronger through their own scars.

This shows us that resilience is a trait we can all develop through practice. To do this, it is necessary that we handle our emotions and thoughts properly; channeling them in the best way is important.

Below we will talk about some characteristics of resistant people so that you can start training yourself with this.

They know how to adapt to change

Resistant people know how to be flexible in difficult situations. They know that they will be exhausted by swimming against the current and they choose to have an open mind as they are met by different opinions and situations.

They get rid of their old perceptions, prejudices and uncertainties and put on a new outfit that will accompany them during periods of change. But they do not adapt because they are bitter, but because they know that there are other different worlds that are not wrong just because they are different.


They rely on their strengths

Resistant people know themselves. It knows what is hurting them and disturbing them and they understand that their well-being depends on them taking care of themselves.

Resilient people know how to identify their weaknesses and strengths so that they can use them when necessary.

They will use their desire to fight, their motivation, their strength, and their abilities as a basis for moving forward. But above all, they respect themselves and they consider themselves because they know that it is important to know themselves in order to be able to develop healthy relationships with others.

They know that acceptance is necessary to advance

Resistant people know that acceptance is a good ally for advancing and changing. Because it is only when we accept what is happening to us that we can start working towards improving it. If we refuse, we will only give the adversities more strength.


They realize that no one is immune to suffering

Resistance does not mean that these people do not have wounds, but that they have nevertheless learned something from their situations. They have been able to accept pain and instead of drowning in it, they have chosen to learn.

Resistant people know that you can not always protect yourself from the pain, because if you run away, this can take you further away from the opportunity to understand what is happening and the opportunity to grow.

As you can see, resilience can be learned and trained. In fact, it should be a basic learning experience in school. It is always worthwhile to learn strategies to improve and continue to grow. Resistance is that ability that allows us to be strong despite the fact that the wind whips hard, and we adapt as best we can to all adversity, trauma and mistakes.

You are also resilient; do not forget this. Or have you never come across a difficult situation in life? Think about it and remember that moment when you were brave and despite your fear you threw yourself into the pool…

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