Night Owls And The Love Of The Night

Night owls and the love of the night

It is considered “normal” for people who get up early in the morning to do their daily chores to sleep at night. However, it has become more common to encounter people who like the opposite: to sleep during the day and be awake on water. There are two types of people who love the night: those who can not sleep before midnight and those who just close their eyes when it is dawn.

It’s simply about what you prefer. It is not that they have to be awake; they just feel more inspired, stimulated and filled with energy during the night hours. They are called “night owls”.

Among famous night owls we find presidents like Barack Obama and Winston Churchill as well as writers like Marcel Proust and Kafka.

The night and its charm

Night owl and the moon

The night is full of magic and there are many writings about the moon, the stars and the nocturnal existence. The night is also a natural scene for mystery and love. Between day and night, there is undoubtedly a big change in rhythm. The day is filled with sound and tumult while the night is filled with silence, loneliness and pause.

Why do some prefer the night? There are actually several reasons. The silence of the night makes it easier to perform work that requires great concentration because there are fewer things that interrupt concentration. You are also cut off from the world. That is why many writers are night owls.

However, it is not always positive reasons that make you love the night. There are also those who suffer from insomnia, people who have some form of anxiety and who can not sleep at night no matter how hard they try. There are also those who have difficulty adapting to their social environment. The night becomes a refuge for some people.

In these cases, it does not become a source of peace, but something that protects against the external life. For some reason, they do not feel able to face life and therefore the shadows become a refuge.

Night owl and the moon

Theories about night owls

There are many myths and legends about night owls. It is said, for example, that night owls are more intelligent than other people. This has been raised in connection with discussions about a number of different intellectual persons.

A study has shown that night owls tend to be more creative. They have a different way of life and their life patterns differ markedly.

At the University of Madrid, a study was also conducted regarding the intelligence of young people, with night owls and day people. It turned out that night owls generally have a higher intelligence but that day people perform better in exams.

Dr. Peter Jonason, a psychologist at, showed that night owls have a greater tendency to be narcissistic, controlling and have psychopathic traits. In other words, he meant that night owls are generally manipulative.

Night owl

From a biological point of view, a study published in the “Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism” has shown that night owls are at greater risk of developing diabetes. It also seems that sleep habits can affect cholesterol levels, triglycerides and body fat. Lack of sun can reduce the level of calcium in the skeleton.

But night owls feel like fish in the water when the shadows start to come. When the morning comes, they have made great decisions for humanity and they have created amazing works. They love the night.

Pictures of Megatruh and Pascal Campion.

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