Music’s Fantastic Influence On Our Lives

The fantastic influence of music on our lives

Music is a universal language that can evoke unique emotions. Sometimes when you hear someone sing in another language, you can still feel what the person is trying to convey, even if you do not understand what the text means. However, we know that the person expresses something happy, sad, dramatic, etc. That is what music’s fantastic influence on our lives means.

Music is like chocolate, almost everyone likes it. That has always been the case. Ever since different cultures began to form, there has always been a place for rhythmic sounds that can communicate our emotions. This form of expression has always existed in every age and civilization, and in many varied styles.

We often use music to express emotions that overwhelm us even if we do not realize it. In music, we find a place where these emotions can flow freely without harming anyone. Other times we dance together and let the music lead us. It also happens that we use the music to maybe work or study. But how does the fantastic influence of music affect our senses?

The Faculty of Psychology at BUAP University in Mexico conducted an interesting experiment led by Professor Roberto Valderrama Hernández. His goal was to find out what effect “heavy” music had on anxiety. By “heavy” music we mean music with an irregular, fast and distinct rhythm that is played at a very high volume. What we are talking about here is heavy metal.

Headphones with cord.

The study included 137 people. Among them were 31 men and 106 women. The average age was 20, and all were psychology students. First, they had a test to measure their anxiety. They then had to listen to pieces of music with heavy metal for 5 minutes at a time. In total, they listened to this music for 47 minutes.

The researchers observed that during this period, the participants became increasingly restless. They constantly changed position and showed restless movements with their hands and feet.

Valderrama stated that this type of music increased the person’s anxiety. The explanation for this is that these rhythms stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, which in turn increases the physical and psychological tension. If this does not get out through dance or hope, the energy will accumulate and cause anxiety symptoms.

The fact that music generates energy is not a problem in itself. The problem arises when this energy can not be released through any form of physical activity. “Heavy” or loud music is good in situations that require a behavior where you move a lot.

Girl playing cello.

The fantastic influence of music can also make us relax. This occurs with the help of genres that have more regular and slower rhythms with a lower volume. Some forms of classical music and even light can help us relax. There are also places where you perform radiotherapy or aggressive medical treatments.

Research has succeeded in concluding that the fantastic influence of music stimulates different areas of the brain. In fact, research from the University of Florida has shown that the rhythms of music increase brain activity more than anything else. These are the main positive effects of music:

  • It strengthens learning and memory.
  • Regulates hormones related to stress.
  • Arouses pleasant memories.
  • Affects heart rate, blood pressure and heart rate.
  • Regulates the brain waves.

Research has also shown that good music strengthens the immune system and makes us healthier. There is a reason why cows produce more milk when you play Mozart for them. And it is no coincidence that plants grow more with background music. What you should keep in mind is to find a rhythm that is beneficial to us. The fantastic influence of music can then have a positive impact on our lives.

Brain with headphones.

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