Improve Your Self-esteem In One Month With 4 Tips

Improve your self-esteem in one month with 4 tips

Your self-esteem should not be neglected or left in someone else’s hands. In today’s world, however, we feel the need to be constantly confirmed by others, and say “yes” in a small voice even though we want to say a definite “NO”. We do not realize that this neglect is just as deadly as not loving yourself… You need to stop this and instead improve your self-esteem.

Few subjects in psychology have given rise to as much interest as self-esteem – there are lots of books, articles and lectures about it. At this point, we are all familiar with the strategies and tools that self-help gurus offer us for self-improvement.

But do you really understand that? Can they really improve your self-esteem? The truth is that this is not always the case. We stand in front of the mirror and say “I love myself, I am capable of doing what I want and nothing can stop me” and then go to work.

But it does not take long before you return to the corner of the mind where these vicious cycles of negative thoughts are. You find yourself face to face with insecurity, terrified of what others will say, and do everything you can to get the recognition you need to temporarily improve your self-esteem.

It is not easy, because we do not understand what self-esteem actually is, because no, it is not enough to “love oneself”. It is just as important to work with basic things as the perception we have of ourselves and the people around us.

In the beautiful, complex fabric that makes up our social and emotional identity, it is obvious that there are loose ends to repair, and perhaps even replace. So let’s take a minute to reflect on these four tips to improve your self-esteem.

Woman hugging the moon

Not knowing how to nourish oneself, to fill oneself… is a curse. It is like a spell that makes us make the same mistake over and over again: the search for others to give us what we do not provide ourselves.

If we start a project in the hope that partners, friends and family will support every idea, every hope, we will feel that they are against us if they do not. All criticism will be perceived as a personal attack.

We must be emotionally independent people who see themselves as innately valuable and fully worthy of all goals. In this way, and only in this way, will we be able to see the good in their critique.

We said it at the beginning. Some people do not leave the house without undergoing a small ritual where they stand in front of the mirror and say “I love myself, I am capable, I am beautiful, no one can hurt me and I am worth it”.

This may work for some people, but we need to understand that these types of generic phrases are almost like “empty calories”. They may improve your self-esteem for a while, but soon they become “melted” and the effect disappears. They are slippery ideas because they are not concrete and almost impossible to hold on to in the long run.

Avoid generic phrases

Having low self-esteem makes us more vulnerable to psychological “wounds” in daily life, large and small. We are less resistant to frustration and failure. Disappointment makes it even worse. It is difficult to deal with anxiety and stress…

  • Create an authentic “emotional immune system” to improve your self-esteem. Just as our body has organs and different mechanisms that protect us from disease, we need something similar on a psychological level.
  • What does it mean? This means that we should use strategies that help us be aware that we need enough nourishment to grow and protect our spirit: self-love, self-confidence, good self-image, positivity, resilience, a sense of humor, knowing when to say “ No”…

In your efforts to improve your self-esteem, you may say to yourself ” everything will be okay, I will be successful, I will do this and that, and then everything I want to do” .

As we said before, this type of confirmation is a short-lived battery. When a person has low self-esteem, these types of simple hopes will not be very helpful. What we need are convictions – attitudes that are stable, concrete, realistic and tangible.

It is therefore necessary that we learn to “give ourselves feedback “. To do this, it is best to focus on what our skills, achievements and abilities are in a realistic way.

“I am very good at social problems. I got good grades in college and I am educated in this profession. There is no reason to feel insecure, because I have sufficient skills and there is no reason to doubt myself. Therefore, I should not doubt myself. I know what I am worth and I understand that it is very possible to get what I want, because in the past I have always performed well… ”

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