If We Do Not Understand Our Fears, We Do Not Know Our Opponent

If we do not understand our fears, we do not know our opponent

Fears, mostly unfounded, about bad things that can happen to us or cause us some kind of future harm, are the main reason we feel uncomfortable. We hide all fears that lead us to behave in an evasive way in certain situations in our lives. There is therefore no greater adversary than our own fears. It is therefore important that we understand our fears.

Fears come from previous experiences. We get our fears from the time we socialize during childhood until adulthood. Usually it comes from people who were either close to us or who influenced us. This usually happens subconsciously. If these people are points of reference or role models for us, their fear of pointing out dangers and unpleasant situations for us will be avoided.

If we carry these fears with us for a long time and let them grow and cover a large space of our everyday lives, we let them become a recurring filter that we use to interpret reality. In order for this not to happen, it is good that we understand our fears, know where these fears come from and take action. When you are faced with fear, action and commitment are required.

It is important that we understand our fears and not isolate ourselves from them

When your motivation is the fear itself

Fear is a primitive emotion that has made man survive. As with all other emotions, it has a functional value if it is regulated. If it is not regulated, however, it becomes one of the most harmful emotions we can experience. If our fears take over our lives, those lives will be governed by a desire to avoid situations. They will also be governed by anxiety and irrational behaviors. It can also lead to severe depression.

When our actions are motivated by fear, we do not feel satisfied with ourselves or life. We are only trying to alleviate the discomfort that has been produced and slow down its development. There are many types of fears. An individual may feel afraid of specific elements such as ghosts, dogs, water, pigeons, etc. But there are also fears that are more diffuse, such as the fear of talking to strangers, starting something new, talking in public, flying, etc.

The list of what we are afraid of can be made long. A fear can have several different meanings and manifest itself in different ways for different individuals. However, the strategies used by therapists to try to overcome them are similar. They focus on the common denominator of fears. To overcome our fears, we must relax, observe what is happening objectively, contrast them with facts in order for our reaction to be appropriate and positive. If you can not kill your monsters, you must tame them.

Woman with hands for face

It is important that we understand our fears and get to know our opponents

It is important that we understand our fears as our first step in overcoming the problem. Meditation and self-evaluation lead us along the path to understanding ourselves and getting to know our true adversary.

Where do our fears come from? Fear can come from something that has been said to us, something that we have seen or experienced before. Once we know the cause, we can start working on overcoming our fears. In order to identify the cause, it is important that we evaluate the perceptions that support our phobias.

Perceptions that lead us to fears, these are exaggerated thoughts that are activated when we experience a real threat. In these situations, a distortion of our system of fears arises. There is a distortion in our emotions that is caused by our perceptions.

Woman and butterflies

Our fears are enemies that paralyze us. Enemies that only exist in our minds and that prevent us from doing what we need to do every day, even if from the outside it may not seem like a big enough reason to feel limited. If we identify them and confront them, we will be able to see that most fears are exaggerated and only have the task of covering our uncertainties.

We are in a situation that we do not like and it feels like you want to run away, but in this case, the best thing we can do is act. Therefore, embark on a journey through your inner world, without losing sight of your external references. First, analyze whether your fears are real or fabricated. If they are real, then you should look at the situation you are in, generate action options and make a decision. If they are made up, you can use what we have said throughout the article.

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