I Like You Because You Make Big Moments Of Small

I like you because you make big moments small

I like you because with you life is always easy. You know nothing about excuses, distance or selfishness, and this makes you a rarity in today’s world.

Today we will talk about important relationships, both when it comes to friendship, love but also the dynamics within the family. In reality, it is not easy to build this type of balanced relationship. It is not easy to create big moments from small ones.

There is always one, two or three people who occupy our thoughts during the day. This does not necessarily have to be our partner. Our friends are also important and we also want to think about them.

There are undoubtedly important people who have an impact on our soul; we do not know why, we only know that it is so. We feel comfortable with their values, their feelings and their sense of reciprocity.

The four cornerstones of meaningful relationships


People create relationships that most of the time are not based on anything rational, but are created from an emotional world. We allow ourselves to be drawn into this wave of relationships that cannot be explained.

Relationships are often created from random moments: that colleague who shared the same table with you, that schoolmate who had his locker next to you, that friend you got to know at a party… Daily life is full of great moments where you can establish new contacts given that they meet these 4 principles.

The first law: to care

Caring is the first cornerstone when it comes to maintaining authentic relationships; which lasts a lifetime, which is not affected by time or distance.

Here, however, we are not just talking about love relationships. True love, caring – this is something fundamental in all types of relationships. Those who like us are the people who also really respect us and who become an important part of our lives. We all need to feel that someone cares about us, so that we can feel good about ourselves.


The second law: to see the positive in other people

This dimension is important. You have probably come across someone who is always trying to find the bad in you: your shortcomings, your mistakes, your fears, what you are unsure of.

  • Then we get to know someone who cares about us for who we are, who views us positively and who accepts our shortcomings instead of judging us; then we know that we have really found a real treasure.
  • We should remember that we must free ourselves from prejudice in order to see the positive in others.
  • There are those who have a very limited view of life. This is an internal problem that makes them only see flaws in others.

The third law: trust

How many people in your life do you really trust? We should first and foremost be able to trust ourselves. Then we should learn to trust our friends, our partner, our parents and siblings, people we always have around us.

  • People we trust always have a positive image of us
  • They know how to listen, understand and are empathetic
  • Looks constructively at mistakes
  • Believe in our abilities

The fourth law: a healthy passion

When we meet someone new, we think first and foremost about maintaining a balance, that it should be a healthy passion. Here we are not necessarily just talking about the passion in a love relationship, but also about the passion to get to know new people in general. Sometimes, however, we find ourselves in relationships where an imbalance is created that is to our disadvantage.

  • It is important that we maintain a balance, whether it is a partner or a friend
  • If we notice that we only give and do not get anything back, we should reflect on the situation
  • Those who have a healthy passion will be able to enrich their lives without falling

Photos by Marie Coubert and Pascal Campion.

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