I Have Chosen Not To Make A Bad Day Of A Bad Moment

I have chosen not to make a bad day out of a bad moment

Today I have decided that a bad moment, a discussion or unexpected criticism will not be clouds that ruin my day, because a bad moment is not synonymous with a bad life, and I deserve to be happy.

We are sure that you too have gone through bad times that have made you feel defenseless and very negative. These are stages of stress and anxiety that attach to our skin.

If you think about this for a few seconds, there are very few days when you go to bed without going through a bad moment.

A quarrel, a misunderstanding, a betrayal, an unwanted situation, a mistake, a bad gesture,
a bad news, something that breaks, something that you do not remember…

These are very common aspects. Among them, you will certainly find things that are not so badly serious, and also things that you need to deal with with emotional intelligence. We explain.

A bad moment is not a bad life


We all experience complex situations during the day. However, there are those who can not cope with these bad moments in the morning, something that causes both anger and discomfort during the day and the person goes to bed with a headache and thinks that life is really terrible. Do you know anyone who is this way?

You probably also have people around you who are not capable of ending a discussion and moving on. The anger continues in their minds and they think “I’m right”, or “he has made my day bitter” or “I can not stop thinking about this”.

  • The constant irritation; not being able to handle a bad moment is a sign that the person denies reality or cannot face it.
  • If something disturbs the person, if something unexpected causes anger, he or she will see the whole world as his or her enemy.
  • The world is not your enemy. There are those who are annoyed at what they can not control or who do not have sufficient strategies to deal with bad times.

There are bad moments in life every day and instead of thinking that “everything bad happens to me” it is better to understand the cause of this bad moment, sort it out and accept it… And let the day be yours again.


When you stop worrying, you will enjoy life

It’s easy to say this but… How do you do it? How can I not worry about such things? Try to have a balance in life and prioritize what is really important; in other words, your well-being.

You should allow yourself to be happy and it is therefore important that you learn to deal with the daily bad moments.

  • Understand that everything happens, that mistakes have a solution, that criticism does not define you, that what makes you unhappy does not deserve your attention or your tears.
  • Deactivate all negative emotions and learn to channel them. A conversation should not end with a high pitched tone, and perhaps you should leave it to be able to return with greater calm.
  • A bad moment will only continue to affect the day if you allow this. Say no to recurring negative thoughts.
  • Disconnect from bad rumors; Set aside some time for yourself and plan your life.

Photos by Moon Jong Hyeok.

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