How To Simplify Your Daily Decision-making

The decisions you make every day can take a lot of time. In this article, we give you some tips to help you deal with them.
This way you can simplify your daily decision making

Simplification is usually a winning strategy. Despite this fact, we all risk spending too much time on the trivial and daily decisions that tend to take over. In this article, we give you some tips to help you simplify your daily decision making.

Even though you may not notice it, everyday decisions cause some stress. Sometimes it can be because they steal time from more important issues. At other times, it is the decisions as such that create problems.

However, you can follow some rules and guidelines to simplify your daily decisions. The optimal way is to get these trivial problems out of the world altogether. This way, you can devote your energy to the issues that motivate it. How to use.

A woman who thinks.

Three golden rules to simplify your daily decision making

You can apply certain rules in almost any situation, from shopping to time management. They are simple and based on common sense.

The three golden rules for simplifying your daily decisions are:

Identify and organize recurring decisions

You are often at the same crossroads every day. For example, you ask yourself, what should I wear today? What can I cook for dinner tonight? These are just a few examples.

The best thing you can do is identify these recurring decisions. Then organize your solutions. For example, plan what to wear or cook dinner every day a week in advance. This saves a lot of time and energy.

Think through and plan

It’s about thinking ahead. Identify the things you use and need in everyday life and make sure you have enough of them. This can be food, medicine and other necessary necessities. The idea is to always have enough at home so that you do not have to go out unplanned to buy more.

The same applies to the tasks you have to perform regularly, weekly or monthly. For example, pay bills or check your budget. You should set aside an allotted time each week or month to perform these tasks instead of performing them in a disorganized manner.

Apply the food rule

Eating is a basic need. Every day you need to plan what to eat. If you do not eat out, you have to cook. This takes time and energy.

The golden rule here is that no meal should take you longer to cook than it takes to eat it. Spend on average no more than 15 minutes cooking. How do you achieve this? The rule says that if you set that limit, you will gradually adapt to it.

Your daily decision making includes your food choices.

Other ideas to simplify your daily decision making

To implement these steps successfully and achieve the desired results, you should keep the following in mind.

  • Rules are not intended to limit you unreasonably. They should not be like a straitjacket. For that reason, if a rule does not seem to work for you, you can ignore it.
  • Rules improve your decisions but do not take into account unexpected events. In fact, at times, they may cause you to use even more energy. For example, suppose you have arranged your clothes for the week. Then your boss tells you that there have been some formal events you should attend.
  • Rules work best when you are flexible when using them. If they work, it’s perfect. If not, you need to change them. It’s your choice.
  • Rules should not require willpower. Superhuman efforts should not be required to follow them. If so, you need to change them.

These rules are meant to simplify your daily decision making and make your life easier. They help you organize your ideas. In addition, they help you to be aware of the trivial issues that can make you spend a lot of time.

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