How To Overcome Fear Of Flying

How to get over fear of flying

Sweaty hands… shallow breathing… shaking teeth… pictures of plane crashes in the head… Even if you want to , you can not plan a trip that involves flying due to the panic you are experiencing.

You miss the chance to see beautiful places, visit friends and family members who live far away and even go on the dream trip with your partner: to visit the Egyptian pyramids, dance hula in Hawaii or see kangaroos in Australia.

Did you know that fear of flying is actually very common? It is believed that 1 in 4 people suffer from it. That is a quarter of the population. And you are one of them! The main fear is that the planet will crash, plus the fact that humans are terrestrial beings who usually do not trust things that have to do with air or water.

It does not matter how many times your relatives say that you are less likely to die on a plane than in a car accident, or that modern planes are the safest way to get around. All these rational statements, which seem to come directly from a self-help book on phobias, are irrelevant to you.

Scared woman

Like many other fears , fear of flying is linked to feelings, past experiences or simply having seen a movie where a plane crashed. The worst thing about all this is that the people around you are not afraid to fly, so they do not understand you. They think you are exaggerating or that you do not appreciate the chance to go to New York, Rio de Janeiro or Hong Kong, with only a few hours on one plane.

You can go to a psychologist, take a course in flight mechanics to understand every sound and movement that the plane makes, or even use a flight simulator, but none of these techniques will be better for getting rid of fear of flying than… flying!

It is understandable if you panic at the mere thought. As you read this article, your knees may be shaking, you may have started to sweat a little and your heart may be beating a little faster. But instead of suffering every time someone tells you to go on a trip to the other side of the earth or postpone your dream vacation to a distant place, it is important that you take a deep breath and start treating it.

Talk to a therapist

Take a course offered by an airline. Many airlines have programs that help rescue passengers. Start with a personal interview and then a theoretical course with pilots and mechanics who answer all your questions. Finally, take a ride in a flight simulator that includes all the situations you may be faced with (takeoff and landing, turbulence, technical problems, etc.).

Meditate or exercise relaxation. It will help you reduce the stress and anxiety that afflicts you when you think about flying. Practice these techniques a few days before you travel, until they become automatic.

Avoid taking substances. Many people who are afraid of flying choose to take medication (mainly anxiolytics) or drink alcohol the same day they are going to fly. The former does not make the fear go away, but lets you go through the situation with greater calm. The latter is not recommended as it elevates your senses and causes upset stomach, headaches, etc. Impulse control is also reduced.

You’ve built up the courage (or so you think) and finally accepted your husband’s or wife’s requests to travel to Machu Picchu or ride camels in the desert. Congratulations! While organizing the trip, packing your bag and choosing a trusted neighbor to water the flowers, there was no room for panic.

This will change when you arrive at the airport and check in. There, the unpleasant feelings begin to return. You are on the verge of running from the terminal without worrying about whether your partner is traveling alone. Calm down. You can overcome your fears. How? With these tips:

  • Avoid the window seat. Otherwise you may get nervous when you lift or if you can only see clouds. It is also best to choose a place near the wings because then you will experience the least movement.
  • Observe the crew members. They will probably be happy, calm and confident. This will show you that there is nothing to be afraid of. I would advise you to tell someone in the cabin crew that you are scared because they will then pay more attention to you and help you through the most critical moments.
  • Breathe deeply. Close your eyes if necessary. Remember that turbulence is only a change in the speed of the air masses and that it does not affect the safety of the aircraft.
  • Bring lots of things to do. Maybe a book from your favorite author, a magazine or an entertaining movie? You can also think about what awaits when you have landed.
  • Wear light clothing. You will probably feel hot, sweaty and disturbed by everything, and you will want to feel as little “trapped” as possible. Therefore, your clothes should be as comfortable as possible.
People on the plane

Finally , you should try to fly with someone who has already flown before and who is not afraid of flying. In this way, his calmness will spread to you, and you can hold the person’s hand when you get scared.

If you like this article, we recommend the following article about eight of the strangest phobias there are. Have you ever heard of them?

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