How To Learn To End Cycles Correctly

How to learn to end cycles correctly

When we talk about cycles, we mean the life processes that have a beginning, a middle and an end. Even if nothing has an actual end, it is important to learn to end cycles when a process has subsided. That way, you can move on without getting stuck. To do this, you need to understand the difference between ending cycles and losing something. When you end important chapters in your life, this always results in loss and pain.

But it is never a sudden or extreme pain that a true loss gives rise to. This means that the end of a cycle always results in a loss, but a loss does not always have to mean that a cycle must end.

The main reason why it is important to end cycles is that it plays a direct role in your future. No matter which bike it is, it will stand in the way of your personal development if it remains open. It’s like ignoring a leaking faucet and thinking that this will have no effect on water and energy consumption. Therefore, in this article we will show you some ways to end cycles.

As human beings, we tend to stick to what we know, no matter how negative it is. It is an ingrained habit that makes us uninitiated. We find it easier to find ourselves in things that are bad but at home than to explore all the good that is to be discovered.

Ending cycles can be difficult when you are afraid of the unknown

That’s why so many of us are reluctant to end cycles. Something within us makes us want to continue on the same path. We do not like to feel insecure about the unknown. 

This is also why you must first of all let go of the grip. A cycle ends when the whole process has ceased and only scattered residues remain. Ending cycles must be done intentionally. There may no longer be something for you to hold on to, but that does not mean you can still not have a psychological bond. Releasing the grip is a way of accepting a new reality.

Ending cycles means freeing oneself from painful realities, but it is also associated with some pain in itself. That is why you must give yourself the chance to experience the sorrow that a completed stage brings and to say goodbye to the reality that is slipping away. The best way to do this is to create a memory of what you went through.

You can not end cycles by just drilling your head in the sand like an ostrich. Looking away is not possible either. The best thing you can do is to think back, step by step, on each of the experiences that this process consisted of. Choose a beginning, the most important moments and the emotions you experienced.

Once you have done this, you can create a balance, an evaluation of the positive (or complex) experiences you made during this cycle. What it e.g. learned or not. Or how it made you grow or how it affected your limitations. This is the absolute best way to say goodbye.

To start again

The main purpose of ending cycles is to make you accept what has recently happened to you. The idea is that you should move on without letting previous experiences influence you and guide you in the present. Every end is the beginning of something new. And it is at this beginning that you should focus your attention and energy.

We have to end cycles to grow

New things do not have to be scary. It is normal that new ideas may seem a bit uncertain at first, but soon you will discover the benefits of them. There is something adventurous about leaving the familiar to the unknown. You get new experiences, increased curiosity and of course improved adaptability. In most cases, the changes have much more positive than negative effects.

You must welcome the change as a new friend. You need to see a new cycle as an opportunity to put into practice everything you have learned, to gain more insights, to sharpen your sharp edges and to grow as a person.

Ending cycles is absolutely essential for your mental well-being. If you do not finish them, your future will only seem overwhelming and confusing. As for your past, take a dignified farewell to it. As for the unknown and the future, you must welcome them with open arms and an open heart.

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