Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

Healthy body, healthy mind

The Latin phrase  “m ens sana in corpore sano”, which means “a healthy mind in a healthy body”, is more relevant now than ever before. New studies have tackled this topic and established that the length and intensity of physical activity can improve cognitive ability.

Maren Schmidt-Kassow, professor at the Medical Psychology of Goethe University in Frankfurt, has said that the benefits are probably related to the intensity of the exercise. “A slightly intense activity can involve low but noticeable levels of psychological arousal, which can prepare the brain for new information and encoding information into memory.” On the other hand, an overly demanding exercise can stimulate the body and brain too much, monopolizing all sources of mental attention and leaving some energy for the creation of fixed memories. It is therefore ideal to train lightly to improve one’s learning and memory capacity.

A healthy mind can help you maintain a healthy body

Health is holistic, and you can therefore not avoid any aspect that forms part of the concept of health (physical, emotional and mental). Someone who wants to take care of their health needs a strong and consistent mentality. Exercise must become a habit to promote well-being in all aspects of life. Working daily on this mental strength will provide more opportunities to achieve personal and professional goals.


Good mental well-being and balance can help us generate the energy we need to achieve our goals. This in turn makes it easier to have a healthy body. Our mental health and attitudes are key factors for us to be able to have better resistance, strength and productivity.

Doing mental exercises in the morning, the quietest part of the day, is ideal. You start planning your day and strengthen your brain to increase your mental capacity. Many studies have shown that the higher one’s mental stability and skills, the greater the chance of being able to maintain a healthy body.

Habits for maintaining a healthy mind

How many times have you blamed a lack of time for not starting to take care of yourself? It is true that the frenetic rhythm of life makes it difficult to do this well enough. But it should be an obligation, a priority.

In order to maintain a healthy mind, it is fundamental to have social support and to be able to integrate into any group. According to many neuroscientists, love is one of the most important activities for the mind, involving intellectual understanding and emotional stability.

Physical activity, another important habit for maintaining a healthy mind, stimulates the production of substances that promote psychological well-being, such as endorphins, which are hormones related to feelings of well-being. To cultivate a healthy mind, the best thing you can do is exercise in the fresh air. You should combine sunlight with contact with nature and other people.


Getting proper sleep is also important for maintaining and balancing brain functions. When you sleep, the brain has the ability to activate unused areas, which helps balance the brain’s functions.

With a simple routine, you will be able to motivate yourself and achieve good general health, which will be reflected in all aspects of your well-being.

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