Globe Feeling: To Feel A Lump In The Throat

Globe feeling: feeling a lump in the throat

Globe feeling is one of the main symptoms of anxiety disorders. Most people who have anxiety describe a form of suffocation. It’s just that it’s a feeling, not a real physical condition. People in this condition never run any real risk of suffocation.

Your throat feels tight. It feels like something is stuck there. It is difficult to swallow and the more you try the worse it gets. It feels like the throat is closing again. You try to stay calm, but the feeling remains. Eventually the anxiety takes over and you start crying. What you experience is called globe feeling.

Globe feeling is also known as globus hystericus. It feels like you have a lump in your throat. In the book  Globus pharyngeus: an update for general practice, the authors describe how this symptom is most often related to psychological conditions, such as anxiety. Individuals with a globe feeling always feel as if their throat will thicken again and that they will not be able to breathe. Even if the feeling is real, it will never stop you from breathing.

Globe feeling is one of the main features of conditions such as anxiety disorders. Most people with anxiety describe a feeling of suffocation. However, that is exactly what it is, a feeling. People with a globe-feeling are never in any real danger. They may think they have difficulty swallowing but they can drink a glass of water without any problems.

What happens when it gets worse is that you think you can actually stop breathing. In that case, the suffocation becomes more intense and you may start to panic. However, this does not mean that just because you are aware of this, the feeling will disappear. Unfortunately, that does not work.

Even if you experience the globe feeling more than once and you know that nothing will happen, it still feels awful. People often start crying if the symptom persists for more than 10 to 15 minutes. If this is something that happens regularly, you should seek professional help. Something in your life makes you anxious without addressing it.

You probably have a better grasp of what globe feeling is and means and how it relates to anxiety. However, this problem has certain characteristics that we should mention.

  • It happens when you feel calm. Globe feeling does not come in moments of intense anxiety or tension. Instead, it occurs when everything is calm. This is because everything that makes you feel anxiety builds up. This makes it more difficult to identify the problem.
  • The feeling makes it difficult to talk. Even if you will not suffocate, this feeling creates a tension in the throat. This feeling makes it difficult to talk, just like when you have a sore throat.
globe feeling in anxiety

If you have ever suffered from a globe feeling, you have probably ended up in the emergency room. What usually happens there is that they examine you and tell you that there is nothing blocking your throat. They are basically telling you that there is nothing wrong with you. They might give you a pill and send you home. But it solves nothing.

Ignoring your anxiety symptoms can have serious consequences. One is that you do not find out what is really causing it. Anxiety is a warning that tells you to stop and notice that something is wrong. But if you ignore it, it will not go away. In fact, it has the opposite effect. If you ignore it, it will only find other ways to show that something is wrong.

The feeling of the globe can be the first sign that your anxiety is trying to tell you something. If you do not listen, it can develop into depersonalization, somatization, tightness in the chest or facial paralysis (Bell’s palsy), among other things.

It is best to seek professional help so that you can address your anxiety and figure out what is causing it. After all, the globe feel can strike at any time. You will not receive any warning before it hits. You will not have time to prepare. It happens that way to make you understand that it is something that needs your immediate attention.

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