Five Meaningful Quotes By Wisława Szymborska

Something that is interesting about Wisława Szymborska’s quote is the clarity with which she communicates her way of thinking and looking at the world. She is without a doubt one of the leading voices when it comes to the poetry of modern history.

Wisława Szymborska often wrote about things that should always be in our thoughts but that we tend to forget. This Polish poetess was gifted with a truly impressive sensitivity that made it possible for her to see and describe the ordinary world in a very unique way.

Wisława Szymborska’s quotes are simple and authentic. In them she pours her poetic soul and at the same time creates a connection to the reader.

This wonderful poetess did not graduate from college. Because she was born into a poor family, she always had financial problems. But that did not stop her from becoming one of the best female poets.

1. It’s a cruel world

How many times have we heard that expression? You may have even said or thought it yourself a couple of times. It is one of those clichés that spread and became the explanation for all the negative things that happen.

One of Wisława Szymborska’s quotes says this:

What’s wonderful about this quote is that she suggests the contradiction between the phrase and its hidden cruelty.

Wisława Szymborska on time

One of Wisława Szymborska’s quotes reads:

In this quote, she says that time has no beginning or end. When you start something, you just continue to live a reality that already exists. Every single thing that is born already has a past. Therefore, there is no end either. Because every event that exists is part of a timeline that precedes it and follows it.

3. The future belongs to the past

This is another of her reflections on time:

In other words, with this quote, she reminds us that every moment is unique and that the present constantly makes the future a thing of the past. Time goes by and nothing is the same as before. Time will not return and what once was will never be again.

4. Wisława Szymborska on true love

Wisława Szymborska dedicated this quote to those who say that true love does not exist:

With this quote, she questions those who do not believe in love. Because they are convinced that true love does not exist anywhere, it is not and will never be their own responsibility to make it happen.

5. Poetry and more poetry

Wisława Szymborska turned poetry into a way of life. She was not a distant writer. On the contrary , she always communicated with her readers and listened to their questions and thoughts. Furthermore, she understood that being a poet is so much more than just coming up with words that rhyme.

In 1996, many people celebrated when she received the Nobel Prize in Literature. And many more cried when she died in 2012 because the world lost a very talented and deep poetess.

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