Difficult Personalities: Do You Recognize Yourself?

Difficult personalities: do you recognize yourself?

Every day we discover new personalities that we have to learn to deal with, even if we do not really want to. Sometimes the  people around us can turn out to be toxic,  and then we have to decide whether to let go of them or choose to be strong enough not to be affected by their personalities.

Today we will examine different types of difficult personalities and what causes them. For example, who has not known an aggressive person or the typical complainant who whines about everything, or why not the besserwisser?

Maybe you feel that you identify with one of the personalities we are going to address, or maybe you have at least been influenced by a person with the character traits in question. Whatever the case , it is important to be aware of these personality traits.


You have undoubtedly met people at school or at work who are typical besserwissers; people who brag about how easily they can get out of all difficult situations. This is one of our difficult personalities, and there are two categories of people who believe, or at least seem to believe, that they know everything.

The first of these is the person who in fact hardly knows anything, or knows very little, but who claims that he or she is the smartest of all.

The other of these is the person who is truly intelligent and may know almost everything, but whose tendency to be better than everyone else makes the person selfish and without humility.

If you have come in contact with besserwissers then you know that they have a tendency to point out other people’s shortcomings and mistakes. They also like to be right all the time and are constantly seeking the recognition of others.

This attitude often makes them seem ridiculous, albeit confident.

People tend to keep besserwissers at arm’s length because it is degrading when someone intentionally points out one’s mistake; not just for oneself, but for everyone else.

The next of our difficult personalities is characterized by a tendency to always see everything in black and white, as if a black cloud of rain hung over the world of these people. These are the type of people who never see the positive side of things, but instead only see obstacles and barriers in their path.

Pessimism tends to go hand in hand with anger. These people may be depressed or sad, but usually they are in a constant state of anger towards the world around them.

It is very important not to be affected by this type of personality, which can send us into deep misery and depression, leading us to see everything with negative eyes.

If you have been influenced by this personality and you feel overwhelmed by his pessimism, surround yourself with people whose optimism never seems to end. Only then will you be able to see the light after being immersed in so much darkness.

Sad face

Do you consider yourself an indecisive person? Then you probably fit into this personality, which is very difficult to make decisions.

Indecisive people are very analytical, but also afraid to take risks. Doubt constantly lurks in their minds, preventing them from feeling secure in the choices they make in life.

If you are the type of person who always keeps quiet due to fear of harsh looks from other people if you present your opinions, or who always doubts everything in the different areas of your life, you are indecisive.

This can make it difficult for others to count on you for certain things because they can never know whether you are sure of what you are saying, whether you will change, or whether your doubts will make you follow the current instead.

Do you know of any other difficult personalities? What are your thoughts on these? Whether we deal with the traits of others or recognize ourselves in them, it is important to be aware that everyone has advantages and disadvantages. It is beneficial to know the differences between them and to be aware of how much they affect us.

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