Constant Friendship In A World Full Of Change

Constant friendship in a world full of change

Thank you for being my constant in a world full of change. Because you multiply my happiness and share my sorrows with your friendship until they almost disappear. Because you are someone who leaves an imprint that is difficult to erase.

Thank you for maintaining the same value even when everyone else is changing. Because you stay by my side in a world full of opportunities. In order not to let the risk of something going wrong stop you from being there. You never lose value, no matter how much time passes.

What probably left the biggest impression on me is that you are what drives me year after year. You make me just want to thank you for reminding me of the hope of a new beginning. Because you see me as a fighter and an example when all I see is a ball of fear.

Thank you for your friendship and for everything that keeps us united despite the distance between us. Thank you for being my number one as other people try to make me feel like nothing.

Thank you for being my inspiration and encouragement

Thank you for being my inspiration and encouragement, no matter what step I take. Even if I make mistakes, I know I’m ok because I know you will never leave my side. I love that you understand that mistakes can be corrected and that there is no reason to be swept along.


Our lives are intertwined. Even if our paths are parallel right now, they will cross again. We may go through a linear transformation by adding things that unite us and bring us closer together.

Thank you for teaching me that two people can be a whole world, and that one person is half, and that there is something that goes against all kinds of mathematics. For the reality of friendship is something that only such friends can understand and explain.

I love having a constant support that not even time can change. Our friendship is like a harmonious mean that physics cannot calculate. Thank you for understanding the attractiveness that unites us during difficult times and that stays constant during such difficult times.

Stability holds the friendship together

Stability holds the friendship together. In a world full of change, your support is unmatched, and there is no obstacle that can make us doubt our bond. It’s almost like we play dice and every time we roll the dice we roll twice just so we can win.

Thank you for reminding me that only those who move forward can break through their boundaries. Because you teach me that whether we change jobs, houses or cities, the bond that unites us will always be strong. For our friendship has no limit; it remains constant despite all the variables that show up.

Two happy cups

But most important of all, thank you for producing the best version of me in a world full of change, for giving me the pieces I had to rebuild as all I had done was put on a bandage. I’m better because of everything you have done and all the advice you have given me. I’m better because you listen to me and then give me the hard truth so I can react to it and avoid getting hurt again.

Above all, I’m better because you’ve taught me that when I’m selfish and choose to go it alone, it’s distancing you from me. I now understand that my own triumphs are not the same as those you have helped me achieve. Thanks to you, I have learned that what is ours is more valuable than what is mine.

Remember that the difference between wanting to do something and being able to do it is that you believe in yourself. Remember that it is normal to have doubts. Remember that when you feel that your strength is decreasing , you can count on me holding up your dreams for a while so that they do not fall down. I will be here to do it for you the way you have done it for me in a world full of change.

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