Children Who Believe In Themselves Have Parents Who Believe In Them

Children who believe in themselves have parents who believe in them

We give our children wings when we believe in them. When we trust their dreams and what they can do, they can fly. That is why we must act as mentors, dream creators. Parents need to understand that one day their children will follow their example, not their advice. Children who believe in themselves always have parents who believed in them first.

Children need to know that no matter how hard life is, they can achieve what they set out to do.

Girl with doll

It can be said that the cornerstone of emotional intelligence is self-regulated learning. This means that the strategies the child succeeds in developing will lead to higher inner well-being. This in turn leads to a better understanding of their own and others’ feelings.

If we stop and think, we will see that our children and young people practically live in formal education during their first 18 years of life. That is a fact that cannot be ignored. Their emotional growth takes place in school. They usually spend more time in school and with homework than in the park.

Riding on election

This is why a child must learn to reflect and identify his strengths and weaknesses. This is why it is so important to help them deal with emotions generated by not understanding anything, not being able to concentrate, not knowing how to solve problems, etc.

If children know how to regulate their learning well, it will be an active, constructive process. It is also reasonable to want our children to know how to monitor, regulate and control their thoughts in order to achieve their goals.

If a child thinks he can learn the multiplication table, he will succeed. But to have that faith, they need encouraging messages from external sources. Especially from its parents, siblings, grandparents and teachers.

This is basically what we in the psychologist call the Rosenthal effect. In other words, the expectations we convey are a decisive factor in whether they will achieve their goals. Even more so when parents and teachers are the most important adults in a child’s life.

Girl with instruments

We are not talking about a magical “where there is will, there is a way”. We are talking about not cutting their wings, but instead teaching them to fly and that there is no single right way to do things.

The education system may “force” them to arrive at a result in a certain way, but what they must understand is that experimentation is irreplaceable for learning. To have children who believe in themselves, this is something you have to make them understand.

Every day, boys, girls, parents and teachers understand that even if we have to teach the little ones to follow certain academic norms, outside of these you can also paint, write, act, observe, talkā€¦ Taking your own path gives a self-confidence, and that always comes along with perseverance.

We are so obsessed with our own self-esteem that we forget the importance of sowing seeds for healthy self-esteem in our children. It is important that our children grow up in a world of balanced adults. That’s actually the best we can give them.

  • Talk to them kindly: to talk kindly to our little ones is to talk to them with affection, patience and positivity. If we do, we will set a good example and help them balance their emotions.
  • Tell stories to those who enhance their introspection: our children should understand that it is of the utmost importance not to forget what we think, feel and do. Through communication we gain knowledge about people (ourselves and others) and things. This makes it easier to understand the world we live in.
  • Improve your inner dialogue: this is done by saying kind things to yourself as well as correcting the negative things you say to yourself.
  • Praise, do not mock: we are talking about highlighting, reinforcing and acknowledging their positive behavior. Here comes a golden rule: praise among the people, criticism in solitude.
  • Help them deal with frustration and teach them to be proud of their accomplishments.
  • Make them feel like an important part of the family.
  • Avoid overprotecting them and encourage good socialization with your peers.
  • Educate by setting a good example: parents should be good role models when it comes to self-esteem.
  • Help them set goals and be independent.
  • Evaluate their opinions: children should not think that their opinions do not matter. We must keep their desires and thoughts in mind according to their age. How? By discussing and debating with them so that they feel listened to.

We do not want children who have to be perfect because we do not want to encourage pride. We want children who love each other and trust themselves and their potential; children who believe in themselves. In short, we want them to learn that by being themselves they will always win.

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