Certain Children Are Happier, So Raise Them Properly

Happiness is not about having lots of toys or getting everything you point to. Happiness is satisfaction, self-esteem and a healthy love for ourselves. This is why certain children are more confident and happy, and have an easier time relating to their surroundings.
Certain children are happier, so raise them properly

Certain children are happy children because they have learned to communicate exactly how they feel and what they want. As  they grow up knowing their limitations and boundaries, their social skills improve.

Some people may be excellent when it comes to maintaining interpersonal relationships, but their social skills are not innate.

As parents, or just adults who interact with children, we must remember that we are role models for all the children you come in contact with. Be the example they should follow to develop their social skills.

We can say with certainty that we sometimes do not provide children with the role models they need. Yes, we want them to be successful in life, so we let them go to the best schools.

We pay to fill their schedules with activities such as sports, music and language. We even go so far as to contact their teachers to make sure they keep up.

Furthermore, we also care about which people they come in contact with, especially when it comes to friends. We pay attention to everything they do, even in the use of technologies such as TV and mobile phones.

Is it not enough to raise certain children?

Yes, you do your best as a parent. But  are you just as proud of your emotional intelligence? How about your social skills? We ask because many take these things for granted.

Aspects such as self-esteem, determination and even self-esteem are part of our genetic code. Furthermore, they are formed as we get older.

But do not misunderstand us; These are traits that should be promoted daily. They require careful, intuitive and stable guidance to raise children with skills in all the basic areas of life.

Skills that give them happiness and psychological well-being. Let’s dig a little deeper into an important virtue: determination.

How to raise certain children

Girl with balloons

To raise certain children, you need patience and sensitivity. Parents and educators often say that there are two types of boys and girls:

  • Those who quarrel all the time: those who are always frustrated and angry because “everyone is against them” every time they are not allowed to do as they want or do not get what they want.
  • Those who are withdrawn and passive: those who never express how they feel. In fact, they rarely complain. These are  children who are often exposed to bullies. Their lack of determination often results in two extremes – passivity or aggression. Unfortunately for them, none of this leads to good results.

Being able to raise certain children is therefore a way to invest in their happiness. This is a subject that has been studied in a study by Gertrude E. Chittenden at the Society for Research in Child Development.

We invest in and contribute to the creation of a respectful society.

To teach children about the world and show them boundaries

To raise certain children, you must instill the following concepts from an early age: the world is full of boundaries and everyone must accept them. Educating children is not just about saying what is good and bad.

Morality is about so much more: things like politeness, respect for all beings and the need to adapt to social codes to coexist.

The world is full of physical, emotional and even financial constraints. For example, we should not spend money on things we do not need.

What is determination?

Children understand more than we think. Before they even speak fluently, they understand much more than they can express. Therefore, it is never too early to start teaching them the following principles:

  • “I can express what I feel without fear, but with respect.”
  • “Mom and Dad will not punish me for anything I say. They are my safety net and I can express myself freely around them. I can even tell them about my negative feelings: what scares me, what makes me angry and what worries me. ”
  • “I should respectfully listen to what others say to me.”
  • “You can not always get what you want. Slowly but surely I will learn to be patient and tolerate my frustration. ”

Certain children need role models

Children on the jetty

Another important thing is that we cannot ask children to follow rules that we do not follow ourselves. For example, if you talk aggressively to your partner, the children will imitate your communication style.

If you want to raise determined and happy children, you must be more than a role model – be a daily inspiration.

Establish their duties but respect their choices and let them have a private life

At some point, children will demand their own space and privacy. This is something parents should respect. That way  , you will gain their trust and they will feel safe telling you things.

Another way to increase their determination is by giving them responsibilities that are proportionate to their age. It raises their sense of competence and self-worth.

Emotional intelligence and determination

Playing children

Last but not least, parents and educators should instill emotional intelligence in children. It will help them manage emotions, control impulses and improve their social skills.

Emotional communication is fundamental in their daily lives.

As you can see, there are many concepts and values ​​you need to instill in children. It will open a whole new world for them and make them determined. It is an adventure that lasts a lifetime.

There will be good and bad times, so be patient. First and foremost, though, you need to pay attention. Be the type of observer who knows when to intervene  if needed.

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