Be True To Yourself

Be true to yourself

Be true to yourself. It is a rule you should never forget, because there is no other way to make things happen. If you have hopes and dreams, you are the only person who can make them come true.

So if you are looking for happiness, if you are looking for a special corner from which you can enjoy the world, family, friends and everyday pleasures, there is only one simple yet complex phrase that you should never forget: be true to yourself.

Person with balloons

We live in a vast, frightening universe, so cyclical and too complex for the human brain to understand and calculate. It is therefore necessary to know that we are small dust grains in a large desert of sand.

What good is it to see two small grains of dust fighting each other endlessly in the great, flaming sea of ​​sand? Wouldn’t it be better if we dedicated our time to ourselves, to strive for our dreams and what we long for?

As Aldous Huxley said: We are only aware of ourselves, of our existence, and that is the package we should improve. Be true to yourself if you want your dreams and goals to be fulfilled.

For there is something immutable in this universe of great proportions, and that is the fact that we are here. We are a small voice in a large space. But nothing should stop us from being heard.

If you want something to happen, you must be true to yourself. Do not hesitate to develop your personality, deepen your mind and heart, and discover all the secrets your soul possesses.

Always be true to yourself. Beyond talk, empty words others say about you, beyond opinions that are often too fleeting, voices that have nothing to offer you… be yourself.

You should never forget that you, and only you, are the person who can make things happen. Beyond wind and tide, you will surely succeed if your personality is strong and your predisposition stable.

Always keep in mind that the road is full of thorny roses and stones that can trap you. Nothing is easy. We will not always find others like us who can prepare our way. But we should never forget the important mantra: Be true to yourself.

Man and woman

We all have dreams. Beyond the reality around us and the world we have created around us, we always hide in our soul the intimate desires we would one day like to see come true. Who is stopping us from doing that?

In general, we are our own worst enemies. Reality is persistent and the world is a big tide that pulls us down, so it is very difficult for us to row in the direction we would like because it is often against the current.

But no matter how complex the task may be, it should not be an option, but a necessary fact to be true to yourself. When you are true to yourself, you will always know that you can enjoy the victors, learn from the defeats and find your true path as well as real, intimate personality.

But if we only become leaves that are drawn by the current, we will forget and leave behind us everything that made us happy and human, such as dreams and longing.

That’s why I say leave you with this mantra: Be true to yourself. And if you must fail, do it yourself, do not let others do it for you. And if you have to triumph, drink the nectar of success yourself. Do not let others take away your victories.

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