An Ethical Code Of Conduct For Psychologists

A code of ethics for psychologists

Psychology is the science that studies human behavior and the corresponding cognitive processes. The ultimate goal of psychology is to improve our quality of life. It strives to stimulate and nurture our mental health. But who or what is responsible for ensuring that psychologists follow these principles? Below is a code of ethics for psychologists.

Origin of the code

A code of ethics for psychologists serves as a guide for anyone practicing psychology, in Spain it is commonly known as the Deontological Code. With this, the guidelines were created as a result of the first official conference of psychologists in Spain, which took place in Madrid in May 1984. At the conference, psychologists identified the need to regulate their practice. They suggested that a working group be formed on the basis of all Spanish psychologists who would produce a guide to avoid abuse from an ethical point of view.

There are a total of 59 paragraphs in the code of conduct. These points regulate professional competence, intervention, research, teaching, procurement / use of information, publicity, compensation and procedural guarantees. Failure to comply with any of these rules of conduct means that a disciplinary committee will evaluate the infringing party. Once they have determined the seriousness of the crime, they apply a sanction accordingly. The sanction can be mild or severe. They can even revoke the person’s license to practice.

In this article, we offer a brief summary of the principles of a code of ethics for psychologists. These principles give a general idea of ​​the purpose of this code. Paragraphs 5 to 15 of the Code of Conduct are the ones that define these principles.

Man in therapy

General principles of the Spanish Code of Ethics

Paragraph 5-9

The first of the general principles (paragraph number 5) defines the purpose of psychology. The purpose is focused on human and social goals such as well-being, health, quality of life, etc. Any practice in psychology that goes against these goals would be against professional ethics.

Paragraph 6 deals with the sincerity of the practicing professional. A psychologist with factual information cannot change them or upload a false version. All professional activities must be based on responsibility, honesty and sincerity for clients and the public. Professional activities should only use scientific and objective instruments and techniques.

The next principle, paragraph 7, speaks of the use of psychology with malicious intentions. The Code of Conduct absolutely forbids psychologists to use what they have learned to restrict the individual’s freedom or commit abuse. There are no situations that justify incorrect application of psychology. Whether there are armed conflicts, obligations, civil wars, revolutions, terrorism or any other situation that seeks to justify the crime.

According to section 8, all psychologists must report all knowledge of human rights violations, abuses or unworthy detention. Consequently, client privileges or confidentiality agreements do not apply in these situations. Unfortunately, this article is the one that psychologists violate the most.

Paragraph 10-15

The next general principle (paragraph 9) is about respecting clients’ moral and religious beliefs. With that said, it is not forbidden for psychologists to question belief systems if it is necessary within the framework of intervention.

Psychologist receives patient

Section 10 prohibits psychologists from discriminating. This includes discrimination based on ethnicity, gender, identity, creed, ideology or any other differentiating factor. The practice of psychology is universal. Consequently, it must respect the principle of non-discrimination.

The general principle in paragraph 11 states that psychologists should not use their position of power or elevated position to derive any benefit from the patient. This applies to both personal benefits and benefits for a third party. Taking advantage of one’s status goes against the goals of psychology.

Paragraph 12 prescribes caution when writing reports or diagnoses. Mental disorders and psychological evaluations often come with social stigma and labels. As a result, psychologists must nurture their language with extreme caution. They must always try not to socially worsen the situation for their patients.

Paragraph 13 aims to avoid poor patient references. It also covers improper appropriation of patients. Psychologists should never monopolize clients. They must follow established legal options for patient referral. This ensures that patients receive the best possible treatment for their problems.

In section 14, the Code of Conduct prohibits psychologists from lending their name or signature to a third party. The only person who can sign is the psychologist himself. This is to avoid unqualified people practicing psychology. In addition, it deals with all silences regarding pseudo-scientific methods.

Last but not least, we have section 15. This item deals with conflicts of interest. When there are conflicts of interest, psychologists must try to act as impartially as possible. In addition, psychologists must defend themselves before institutional authorities if the situation arises.

The importance of an ethical code of conduct

We have now seen the general principles of a code of ethics. So why is it so important to have a guide to professional ethics? Do not forget that clinical psychology is a health profession. As a result, customers demand that the services be adequate and reliable. The summary is that the practice of individual psychologists reflects the profession as a whole.

Psychologist follows code of ethics during therapy session

But there is another reason why a code of ethics is important. It helps to guide ambitions and regulations for the values ​​in the field of psychology. We want a science that is constructive for progress and well-being. Therefore, it is necessary to create a code of professional conduct that prevents the practice of the field of psychology from deviating from these goals.

In conclusion, we must add that it is the duty of all psychologists to critically reflect on their own behavior. Do they have their own, personal code of ethics? An ongoing debate among committed psychologists is beneficial to all. It helps to improve practice and ensure that we work for science, and for the well-being of those we are set to help.

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