All We Have Is Moments

All we have is moments

We are made up of moments, fleeting moments and memories. We are time travelers in a fraction of the world where we have built our lives as if they are meant to last forever. In reality, however, we are temporary. We are like tracks in the sand that the waves could have swept away at any time. But even though this is all we have, we continue to believe that we are made of cement.

We focus on the things that have hurt us, grieve over things we do not have, and take what we have for granted. We let time pass and forget that nothing is real – neither the things you love, nor the things that have hurt you. We are really just a series of fleeting moments.

We want everything at once. We do not give ourselves time to breathe. Everything should go so fast and nothing should be enjoyed. In this world of fast food, speed dating and full schedules, we have lost perspective on the value of time, and we think more of suffering than enjoying the little things in life.

We do not know how to live in the present

We are crazy people who do not know how to live in the present. We prefer to rush forward and look at the ground instead of enjoying where we are. We prefer to run to our destinations instead of going and breathing in our surroundings. We let time escape through our fingertips instead of holding on to the moment and experiencing it without fear.

Woman in bottle

We want everything fast because there is always something more important, something beyond the present. We forget to enjoy what we have, because we never stop long enough to notice it. We live in a tunnel of time, a dark tunnel with a single light that ultimately prevents us from seeing our surroundings, and pushes us blindly towards an uncertain future.

All we have and are are moments that believe they are eternal. We are opportunities that do not enjoy what we have around us. We behave as if there is enough time to enjoy the good things when reality really slowly flows into the sand.

We become masochists

When we are hurt, we instead become masochists and cling to suffering. We crawl into the pain and complain as if there was nothing in the world but our own problems. The pain blinds us and prevents us from seeing everything out there.

We poke at the wounds instead of looking for solutions. Our conversations become monotonous because we become obsessed with what has hurt us.

Woman by tree

In this black hole of suffering, where we are so happy to stay, we close our eyes to the light that leads us away from our problems because that is all we can feel. We forget to remind ourselves that this is all we have, that we are fleeting and that the pain is too.

If all we have are moments, let us live them without fear

It is therefore better to remind ourselves that all we have are moments, and that it is best to go through them fully and without fear. We choose how we want to spend each moment. We can say that a glass is half full or half empty. Both of these statements are correct, but the most optimistic is the one who will enjoy life more.

Remember that everything passes, that everything changes and that everything can change. You can choose how you experience your own situations, both the good and the bad. You can enjoy every moment without letting it escape from you and you can escape from your suffering without getting caught up in it. Just accept both as they are.

You choose how you spend every moment, how you paint every memory and how you accept every experience. You live your life and shape the present. Only you can choose if you will enjoy each step of the journey or if you will hold on to your fears.

No one can give you more time on the clock. Opportunities pass and you choose whether to take advantage of them or let them go. Every second counts, so live them and do not look back. Live them or you will regret it later.

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