10 Mental Habits That Make Life More Difficult

In this article, you will discover how these 10 negative mental habits make your life more difficult and can suppress your cognitive ability.

Sometimes life seems more complicated than usual, but in many cases it is our own mind that makes us see it that way. This is because we have mental habits that make life more difficult.

For example, we can not always choose to stay away from harmful people. We must also face moments of great loss or difficult situation. If everything is already complicated, it is important that our mental habits do not make things even more complicated.

Many people have developed a strong attachment to negative emotions. This makes them suffer more than they have to. In fact, this is what causes these mental habits to take shape.

Man at sunset

While it is tempting to think that everything is about you, this is not true. If you have an egocentric view of things, it can end up complicating your life more than you have to.

Do not expect people to respond to your messages immediately or drop everything they have to do to please you. This is called the spotlight effect and has been studied at the University of Cornell. It has been proven to be harmful and painful.

It is another habit that can become your enemy. In the world  , there are few things that are black or white. Thinking in such terms will thus create a lot of frustration. According to a study done at Waseda University, all-or-nothing thinking creates irrational expectations, which leads to very big disappointments.

At Cave Western Reserve University, the phenomenon of postponing things was studied,  and it was determined that it is not always our enemy. This is because it temporarily helps us lower our stress levels. When you have to make an important decision, it is normal to feel scared or anxious. In such a situation, however, the postponement will only feed your anxiety and block you.

It is one thing to complain about something specific and it is another to constantly complain. If your complaint becomes a permanent act, it will lose its redemptive effect. It can be a nightmare that produces changes in your brain that make you focus only on the negative.

Neurological researchers at Yale University have shown that  people who are often depressed have a lower renewal rate in terms of neurons. It is as if their brain has slowed down over time.

Just as it is not good to see the negative in everything  , it is also not good to have unrealistic expectations. A certain degree of positivity helps us keep our heads high but too much of the good will only result in disappointments and lowered self-esteem.

If you have very high expectations  , we will probably only feel frustrated when we do not meet them.

There are also other habits that make life more difficult for the simple reason that they suppress our cognitive abilities.

  • Pondering. It is not good to reproduce frustrating events over and over again in our heads. This leads to emotional turmoil.
  • Debt. Feelings of excessive guilt or shame prevent you from releasing your emotions. That way, they can drive you crazy.
  • To think excessively of rejection. If you stop to analyze every time someone rejects you, you will become your own worst critic, which is detrimental to your self-esteem.
  • Worry. It is important to worry about certain things, but do not make it a habit. If you only focus on worrying, you can fall into a negative pattern.
  • To constantly compare yourself with others. It is not productive to focus more on other people’s lives and achievements. Strive to get better every day and see others as a source of inspiration.

Some habits can help us to be productive and happy. However, it is worth reviewing and overcoming those mental habits that make life more difficult and prevent you from reaching your goals.

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