9 Habits That Keep Love Alive

9 habits that keep love alive

Ana is no longer happy with him. Everything she fell in love with seems to have disappeared. She feels lonely, unappreciated… he no longer sends messages from work saying “I’m thinking of you”, nor does he kiss her when they meet. She wonders: “What has happened to our love? Is there even a way we can fix it? ”

Ana has decided to stop trusting him and feels that there is no longer anything that holds them together. No more kissing or touching; they do not even talk and do not share stories with each other. These are small, daily actions that made them feel close and made Ana feel special. Routine, time and perhaps the belief that nothing more can be achieved destroys her relationship with Pedro.

Pedro is not happy either. When he comes home from work, he feels just as lonely as Ana does. They both have their separate working hours, and often Pedro eats lunch or dinner without Ana’s beautiful smile, which he still remembers while finishing his meal before going to bed. He also sleeps alone, because Ana works night shifts.

The story we just told you can be applied to any couple who is stuck in circumstances like these. But in situations like these, are there any solutions to get the relationship back on track?

Love is the greatest mystery and also the greatest adventure, and we all experience it in different ways. There are no recipes, magic formulas or anything else special that keeps love on track. Maybe love is more like a small plant that we have to nurture every day, or a flame that burns strongly some days and is like a glow under others; but it never dies completely.

Although there are no magic formulas for love, applying emotional intelligence to our relationship works better to maintain what we feel for each other. That’s why we want to share an interesting article from “Psychology Today”, written by psychologist and counselor Mark Goulston. Mark is also the author of the book The 6 Secrets of a Lasting Relationship. Here we will discuss 9 habits that characterize happy and successful relationships. The best part is that it is not magic, but only emotional intelligence.

Take a look at the following nine habits that people in happy relationships share according to Dr. Goulston. Does your relationship thrive thanks to any of these?

1. They have common interests. Doing things together unites us. It may be okay to do things alone in the relationship, but together they become so much more interesting. Therefore, you should keep an eye on how much time you spend alone and make sure to enjoy things together.

2. They trust and forgive each other. To hold on to bitterness and never forgive each other causes damage to the relationship. After an argument, you should talk to each other, forgive each other and give back the trust after you have calmed down. This is much stronger than resentment.

3. They go side by side, hand in hand. Walking together while holding hands is a way to feel like we are in sync with each other. It’s a way to help us get closer.

4. They go to bed at the same time. At the beginning of every relationship, partners are in the habit of going to bed at the same time because they want to be intimate and share moments of passion with each other as much as possible. However, these people can spend so much time together because they create a schedule around each other. They know how important it is to be together intimately in the bedroom, whether it is on a physical or emotional level.

5. They say “Gomorron” and “I love you” every day. Is there a better way to start the morning than to hear these two phrases? Habits like these work wonders to boost our self-confidence so we can tackle the day.

6. They say “Good night” before going to bed, even if they are angry. It is a way of informing our partner that we still love him or her, even if we have had an argument.

7. They call each other or send messages during the day. This is a great way to stay in touch with our partner. Knowing how his day is going will help us to be more understanding when he comes home.

8. They are proud to be seen together. They hold hands, each other’s waists or arms when walking together. They are not afraid to be seen together when they are affectionate. They do not brag, but only demonstrate the love they have for each other.

9. They focus on each other’s positive aspects, not the shortcomings. We all have positive and negative qualities, but the best we can do for each other is to focus on the positive and let the small negative aspects be. Focusing on the negative only brings more negativity into the relationship.

Would you say that these are habits you and your partner have? What would you like to add to the list? There are many ways to keep a relationship strong, and as long as both are willing to work for it, there will always be a way to maintain the love you share.

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