Time Changes Us All

Time changes us all

Time is associated with and embedded in the experiences we collect during our lives. For this reason, both of these things make us learn, know and change. In fact, we are so tied to time that it seems that it is shortened or lengthened depending on our mood and our expectations of life.

Time passes, as they say, not unnecessarily, much less if we look back at what we were ten years, five months or three weeks ago. We all know that there is nothing more relative than the years. From this point of view , we usually measure the time in key events that have left an imprint on our lives that we will always remember.

All emotions that come from direct contact with reality suggest a change: we travel and meet new role models, find new people with thoughts and habits we did not know, form a family, lose people we thought would exist forever, discover love and heartache, etc. All this will change without us realizing it.

The truth is that life has different prices, and one of them is, as we know, to go through experiences and connect them to our lives. There are times that leave such an impression on us that we think they lasted longer than they actually did, and others that we will remember as very short-lived. That is why it is said that we change over time.

Bird and girl

In addition, whether we remember more positive or negative things can often depend on our emotional, mental, or even physical state. Despite this , we will never forget true happiness, nor our greatest failures.

Obviously , we change in situations of emotional extremes because they force us to go deep within ourselves and see ourselves in a way we have never done before. At these points we learn things and values ​​we did not know, experience feelings we did not think we had and are forced to sort out the mess from within.

If we go through a difficult time, we will probably become stronger afterwards. If we are wrong, we know what to do next. If we were happy, we will only follow what made us feel good and stay away from sadness, etc.

One thing is for sure, we will never be the same people again after a new experience or after we get older: time will transform us and shape our personality.

Opposing change is actually unprofitable. To try to avoid something that has happened in our lives and to believe that everything will continue to be as in the past is useless, because reality does not look like that. As someone once said: everything flows and everything remains. Our essence will thus remain the same, but not be the same.

If we cannot resist change, the only way to grow as a person is to accept it. We must adapt ourselves, and if for some reason we can no longer be true to our principles, we must create new ones that help us start over. It would be beneficial to understand that time passes over us, and we can only decide what to do with it and how to use it.

Couple on beach

In the same way that time changes a person, it also changes the people around us, and as a consequence the relationships we have in common are influenced.

It is very important to understand that acceptance of self-change is as important as accepting change in others, unless they directly harm us. In these cases, the other person will probably need us to adjust.

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Pictures from Claudia Tremblay and Pascal Campion.

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