Love Should Be Infinite While It Lasts

Love should be infinite while it lasts

Love must have a future, at least while it lasts. In other words, it must clearly feel the presence of something that maintains hope for what is to come. A spark of participation from two hearts who love each other. Although we are aware that nothing is infinite and even less so when we talk about emotions, the truth is that something as strong as love must feel infinite. At least while it exists.

It is complicated to deal with these terms in a world that erases our smiles with all the stress. But the truth is that stars only shine if we stop to observe them. Because if we did not, they would not even exist for us. The same thing happens with love; we must observe it to know it.

Heart in wheelbarrow

Sometimes we feel that love is no longer what it used to be; that it has been distorted. Then we are disappointed because we do not really know our partners, because we are not sure that they are “the loves of our lives” and because we fail to understand that love is much more than just the intimacy between two bodies that love each other.

Sometimes love may not be serious because we do not let it be. Because we are afraid of failure and do not believe in miracles or fairy tales. But true love is not based on hyper-romantic ideas from Disney fairy tales.

Love will not come if we limit it. In other words, we also give it a price if we give it an expiration date. Furthermore, it is sometimes cheaper because it costs less (when it comes to effort, of course). A couple of glances, a kiss and a verse of rhyming “I love you”, light as a feather.

It is as if our bodies and needs make us lose our direction of travel. You do not choose who you fall in love with, nor the moment or the place. It’s not love; it’s something else. Love is more superior and pure.

Flying bike

Having the illusion or idea that our love will be sustainable generates security and common projects. These two ingredients are fundamental to achieving happiness and stability in our relationships.

We must be brave and indulge in the moment. For love is of no use if we lock it in from the beginning and we do not believe in its power and strength. This is what marks the gap between a partner and a life partner.

If we are talking about true love, we are talking about something that cannot be defined or limited. We can not even control or tie it, because love is so lively that it does not even feel vulnerable in the naked state.

So it should be experienced as if life were infinite, but not backwards. We will enjoy it more if we manage to curb our impatience and do not rush through the stages. In the end, we must get rid of our fear of impermanence, change, and the cycles of love.

It is ambitious to believe in infinite love, but if we give time to the short-lived, we will be pleasantly surprised. It is not about buying the sky and mortgaging our lives, but about renting a plot of land where we feel as if we are in heaven. And you can only achieve this when you do not put absurd limits on your emotions.

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