Quitting Can Be An Act Of Courage And Not Cowardice

Quitting can be an act of courage and not cowardice

Sometimes it is not an act of cowardice to stop, but an act of courage. Quitting does not mean that you have a lack of courage, but the exact opposite: courage, thoughtfulness, emotional intelligence. In fact, at certain periods in life, the courage required to finish something is greater than that required to continue the story.

Stopping offering resistance can be a good solution and sometimes the only way out we have. And no, that does not mean we should give in to someone else. Nor does it mean that we have no strength left as it says in the dictionary. But giving in when we face adversity too often brings with it criticism from other people. Quitting is often related to something negative; as an act that makes us seem weak, if not cowardly.

Cowardice and thoughtfulness are two different attitudes

There are many of us who tend to put different attitudes in the same category. As in the case of being cowardly and being thoughtful. Both of these attitudes can refer to a person who abandons something. But it would have been easier to explain this with cowardice. The cowardice of avoiding cognitive dissonance that upsets us. Cognitive dissonance here means a lack of synchronization between what we do and what we think.


Virtually every new situation, every new responsibility or every new change brings with it fear, more or less, and we are all aware of that fear when we are there. But there are people who go past that feeling. They decide that it is a bad choice for them to continue, and that does not make them cowardly. In fact, people are often brave because it was an easier way to continue. The complicated part was doing what no one expected.

A coward is someone who allows himself to be led by fear, who does not want to take any risks. Someone who listens to his inner self and ignores it, who accepts the accident as a price to pay for convenience.

Quitting can sometimes be wise. We think about the risks of continuing where we are and we act so that we do not suffer more unnecessary damage. In fact, it is an act of courage to change something when it is wrong.

The difference between giving up and “now that’s enough”

It may be that change can only occur when you choose to take another path. This happens because there is a thin line that separates the act of stopping and realizing that it is enough. If we have done everything we could and there is no result, it would have been beneficial to start again.

“It follows the law of order that when you want to avoid something unpleasant, you undertake something else. But wisdom means knowing the nature of the uncomfortable and accepting the least bad as something good. ”

You can not force something that does not work. It is not just forcing someone to feel something that this person does not know. Nor is it wise to try to achieve something we are not prepared for. Goals sometimes reach us during bad times in life or they are sometimes simply impossible. What does not work is also sometimes part of the mystery of life.


If we have tried and fought, but know that it does not help, then why do we continue to do so? In these cases, it is good to end it by thinking about our inner “I”.

If there is no reason to continue, do not waste your strength

The best used energy is the one we invest in the art of taking care of ourselves and also taking care of the people we care about. Energy has its limits. For this reason, it is a waste of your strength and energy in a pointless way to deprive yourself and those you love of this energy.

Fighting for no good reason is like banging your head against the wall. We use more effort and we just get even more exhausted. At the same time, we are losing many other things that are truly within our reach. If you are in a situation where it is not appropriate to continue with something, it may be time to think about whether it is best to stop. Remember, quitting is not a bad thing. The exact opposite. Quitting is always a valid option. In many cases, it is a smart choice and far from being a mistake.

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