Are You Active Or Reactive? We Help You To Find Out

The choice to be either active or reactive can make a big difference in a workplace. Keep reading to find out how!
Are you active or reactive?  We will help you find out

What does it mean to be active or reactive? It is possible that you have never reflected on these two concepts, even if they are particularly important when it comes to a workplace. These traits can actually influence what kind of career you take, which is why we have decided to talk about them today.

You probably have friends or acquaintances who are always moving forward and making progress at work or in other aspects of life. They are constantly looking for opportunities and challenges to succeed. You probably also know someone who seems stuck in their job; who have no particular motivation. This is the biggest difference between an active and a reactive person.

Active or reactive?

Active people take the initiative

Are you still unsure if you are active or reactive? Well, the first thing you should analyze is whether or not you take the initiative.

Initiatives are related to an ability that is highly valued in the workplace: proactivity. You can read more about proactivity in this article from the  Harvard Business Review: “Managing the Perks and Pitfalls of Proactive People.”

active or reactive

When you take the initiative, you perform special actions that make you a creator instead of a recipient. For example, if you directly contact the companies that interest you instead of waiting to find or get a job. You may do this by sending emails to those with attached resumes expressing your interest.

This is a good way to determine if you are active or reactive. Active people rarely wait. They are not afraid to take the reins, try new things and move on. They experiment and make mistakes instead of waiting for things to happen.

If you are an active person, do not let a closed door or a failure deter you. You are proactive and keep trying. Whether you believe it or not, it opens new doors for you to be this way. Even if it does not bear fruit immediately, it can help you in the long run.

A reactive person is waiting for results

Now you should have a better idea of ​​the difference between an active and a reactive person. If you did not identify yourself with the first description, you may do so with the second. What does it mean to be a reactive person?

To begin with, this does not necessarily mean that you are not dedicated to your job. Maybe you work a lot but with the same results. You are the panel hen no one sees. Why? Because you have not told anyone that you are there. You may even hide your abilities as if you were ashamed of them.

Sometimes you may feel comfortable being a reactive person. At other times, however, you wish you were more active, even if you do not know what to do to make it happen.

Being reactive means that you find it difficult to move forward. You think it’s easier to stay in your comfort zone.

a woman walks barefoot

The two sides of reaction

It is your choice whether you want to be an active or reactive person and your results and your success will depend on your choice. If you are a reactive person, you can feel happy in your unchanging routine. However, if you want something more, this attitude can be a big obstacle.

What happens when you wait for something to happen? You probably feel frustrated and complain and whine about your bad luck. As we mentioned earlier, this happens partly because you want to be proactive but do not know where to start.

If you have a tendency to be a reactive person, action can make you insecure. However, there is nothing wrong. This means that you are flexible enough to act when you need to.

Are you more active or reactive? It is important to remember that neither of them is better than the other. These are simply different strengths that will lead you in different paths. The wonderful thing about it all is that you can always be open to getting the option that suits you best.

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