3 Fantastic Movies About Love And Nostalgia

3 fantastic movies about love and nostalgia

Some love relationships mark us for life, and even though they ended some time ago, they have left a deep impression on us. This is so strong that the emotions we experience will remain forever as part of which we are in the form of nostalgia. The connection between love and nostalgia can thus affect what we expect, need and avoid in future relationships.

Many films reflect these types of experiences, and through the stories of love and nostalgia we see in them, we can once again arouse feelings that have been dormant. They activate our “nostalgic nodes” (as behavioral psychologists would say) through certain keys, such as glances, outbursts, and complaining.

We will tell you about three recommended movies that can act as these keys. They are perfect if you want to remember what is beautiful and painful at the same time – nostalgia.

Some stories on the white canvas are nice, satisfying and simple. Others, however, are all or nothing; a gentle touch that feels the edge of a knife that is at the same time the most passionate and toxic love.

This is the case in the film “The English Patient”, which tells the story of two hidden lovers who betray the tradition. They do this by passionately surrendering to the uncertainty of the mystery.

The English patient

Their love is hot and the passion spreads through the desert in which their tragic, unique destinies take place. In the story of a man who burns in his own skin, we see how his memories have not assumed the bitterness of the ashes.

They are preserved in the music, in the darkness of a cave and in the magnitude of a castle. All the good and beautiful things that in the light can embrace a man with a past full of too many shadows. Love seems to save him from the pain and make him feel safe before death, knowing that he has experienced true beauty.

What would happen to the lovers of love and nostalgia if “Cinema Paradiso” did not exist? It would need to be created! Seeing Cinema Paradiso is like taking a bite of a piece of the most beautiful nostalgia, which makes you remember your childhood (especially if it was beautiful and full of film).

It is bittersweet to take in the beauty of the landscape and the Italian music while feeling the pure and innocent love that young Totó has for Elena.

We should not claim that the film is gold and green forests; it is difficult and even scary to see a man so marked by his first love that his feelings can never be unfaithful to this nostalgia. It’s beautiful and sad at the same time.

The last scene seems to be a metaphor: there is a beauty in all their kisses, but those who are censored or hidden are also exhilarating, even if they come at the price of happiness itself later in life. An emotionally charged adult life as a result of a full-fledged investment without guarantees during adolescence.

If a first love can mark a person’s life forever, a mature love who lived with a partner without ever feeling passion can be even more nostalgic when you become aware of it.

It reminds you of everything you once had and that social conventions and “emotional responsibilities” have been snatched away from you. “The Bridges of Madison County” is a captivating story in which a woman with a stable life surrenders to her instinct for the first time in her life, without feeling that she is going crazy.

A woman who feels simple, insignificant and irrelevant is confronted by a world-famous man who discovers that during his travels he may never have experienced such fervor and movement within himself as he does with this simple housewife.

A film about love and nostalgia that reflects on the absurdity of relationships, couples and love: millions of people in relationships who do not love each other and thousands of true lovers and partners who are separated.

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