What Are The Benefits Of Lettering?

What does lettering mean? How can it help you? In this article we tell you all about the benefits of lettering!
What are the benefits of lettering?

We are used to living in a stressful world, full of obligations. We work all day long, shop, cook and clean… And during the pitiful time we are really free, we prefer to just read or watch TV. Starting a new hobby can, however, have major psychological benefits. That is why today we want to share the benefits of lettering.

Sometimes lettering and calligraphy are incorrectly considered to be identical activities, even though they have their distinct differences. Calligraphy is a handwriting technique that aims to improve the aesthetics of a written text. Lettering, on the other hand, consists of designing an artistic image, where the letters are combined to form a creative and harmonious composition.

Therefore, you can see that it is an activity that is more related to the artistic design of letters than writing a meaningful text. The goal is to achieve a visually appealing image rather than improving the appearance of a given text.

Watercolors, crayons and several other materials can be used to practice this technique. But without a doubt, felt-tip pens are one of the most popular options.

A woman discovers the benefits of lettering

The benefits of lettering


Lettering can be a useful tool to help you reduce your daily stress. It keeps you entertained and helps you relax actively instead of passively like watching TV.

By performing this activity, you can experience a type of moving state, one of the pillars of positive psychology. This happens when you are completely busy and involved in a pleasant and creative activity. Under this condition, you feel mentally like you are floating or flying and can do your best without much effort at all.

This is undoubtedly a good way to release stress and forget about everyday worries. In addition to this, it allows you to spend time on your own with quality time where you can do something you really enjoy.

Feeling good about yourself is the key to creating healthy relationships and not feeling lacking in anything. Those who can not enjoy their own company can fall into the trap of building unhealthy relationships. They can also get caught up in conditions that take on an increasingly unhealthy character.

The development of skills

When you are in addition to lettering, it can help you develop more skills. First, it helps your fine motor skills and coordination between sight and touch. Thus, when you start with lettering, you have to spend a lot of time getting to know the different types of letters, as well as how to hold the pen to create them.

In addition to this, the activity benefits your creativity because, as we mentioned above, the goal is to create visually aesthetic images. Designing the design and choosing colors, lines and styles is an exercise in imagination that nourishes your most artistic side.

Finally, you can use lettering to increase your self-esteem. It’s a hobby that requires practice for increased skill and it’s a fun way to spend time with yourself.

Perseverance is the key to being able to make progress in the goals you set for yourself. You can see how your ability gets better daily and how your effort becomes visible in your projects. This will undoubtedly give you a better self-image, as this is something that is made stronger by seeing concrete progress.

Setting new goals and working to achieve them is a very powerful strategy for building self-esteem. In this way, you ensure that you do not create an empty or artificial self-esteem, but that it is based on the knowledge that you can achieve what you want to do.

The benefits of lettering are many

The benefits of lettering: a creative pastime

In short, there are many benefits to lettering. This activity offers you the desired moments of silence that life sometimes prevents you from having. This is something that will especially appeal to the most creative people. But with that said, it can also be useful for those who want to start being more flexible and artistic.

This hobby improves concentration, motor skills and endurance. And at the same time, it can give you the opportunity to let your external problems disappear and let you flow forward, positively and creatively.

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