9 Habits In Happy People, By Jameson L. Scott

9 Habits of Happy People, by Jameson L. Scott

“What is happiness and why do we want it?” This is from one of the first chapters in the book Los 9 hábitos de la gente feliz (9 Habits of Happy People) by Jameson L. Scott. As the author suggests, happiness comes mainly from the ability to get what one wants and to solve problems in our lives.

So we want happiness because it means personal development and that you are satisfied as a person. Each person achieves their own happiness in their own way, but in this book Scott gives us a couple of guidelines that happy people have followed throughout history.

Author’s recommendations

This book calls for individual action instead of being a self-help book. For this reason, the author informs us about the guidelines in the book and that you must leave your comfort zone. It is the only way to integrate the 9 habits in life.

Your comfort zone

He believes that after reading this book and following the guidelines, you will not need to read more self-help books. He invites us to go through a process of self-discovery and reminds us that the only way to be happy is to live your life.

Happy people love themselves and live in the present

Happy people:

  • Socializes without seeking confirmation. They know that in order to be happy, you have to be whole. They cannot be what others want them to be, because it would give them power and their lives would be guided by what others think. They do not take a false picture and they know that they can not be all right.
  • Love themselves. Happy people take care of themselves, treat themselves well and make themselves strong. They do not play victims, do not insult themselves and do not reject themselves. They know their potential and they are trying to achieve what they can achieve.
  • Accepts their circumstances and seeks what they want. They believe in change and are fighting instead of giving up. They also constantly improve themselves, appreciate life and benefit from it as much as they can.
  • Connects to the present. This is one of the most fundamental habits of happy people. They try to live in the present and forget the past. To do so, they dedicate each day to meditating and thinking about what they are doing.
  • Do things that make them scared and go for what they want. They take advantage of opportunities and challenges to overcome their fears. They know what is causing them panic and they take the initiative to address this. These people have fears just like you and me, but their fears do not stop them, and they have been able to use them as a source of motivation.

They learn, sleep properly and think about their health

Happy people:

  • Learn from everything around them. They admit mistakes and learn until next time. They know that in order to learn, they must act and gain strength and self-confidence.
  • Sleeps properly. They sleep between 6 to 8 hours a night and relax from their chores for 2 hours every day. They sleep without the cell phone and tablet by the bed.
  • Have a balanced diet and exercise. They believe that their connection to the body is a fundamental channel of communication for their well-being, so they are aware of this and take care of it.
  • Has a good posture and breathing. Happy people have observed that certain attitudes limit one’s actions and communication. They also put a lot of focus on breathing and the way air enters the body.

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