Freedom Lies In Your Mind And Your Feelings

Freedom lies in your mind and your emotions

What is freedom? Should we really look for it within the confines of the physical world we inhabit? Is there more freedom on one part of the planet than another? Does it really have anything to do with geography or is it a state of mind?

This article will try to shed some light on the term “freedom”. Without a doubt, this is something we easily mention in conversations about many different problems. However, it is a much more complicated concept than it may seem.

One perspective is that freedom exists in our minds, our emotions, our hearts and the depths of our soul. Our consciousness can be completely free from ropes and shackles, and we can be unbound in our thoughts and how we see as well as understand the world.

It is true that freedom for many people lies in other concepts that are perhaps more common and less ethereal, just as with feelings of belonging, physical boundaries or living in one place or another.

There is no doubt that people with a higher quality of life live in democratic countries rather than those where a dictator controls the actions of the individual with an iron grip. But do you actually become happy just by living in a democratic country?

Let us put it this way: Is a person who has fallen victim to a social and political system less free than someone who, regardless of the circumstances, feels that he or she can live outside society’s conventions and pressures?

In these modern times, we are capable of creating our own personal prisons, and when that happens, it does not matter where we live. In other words, even if you were born in the most liberal country in the world, you are able to put up your own fences around you with your mind and heart. Fences and barriers so strong that you can not break them down yourself.

Light through grille

But the person who dreams, fantasizes, believes in himself, has his own ideas, reads, experiments, criticizes, tries to understand, loves, hopes and is able to create will, no matter where he lives, feel free.

In reality, there is true freedom in the heart, the thoughts, the feelings and the dreams. Only you, no matter what is in your passport, can make yourself feel truly free.

Does a person trapped in a toxic relationship feel free? A person finds freedom if he dies of a powerful love he cannot express. Are you free if you have a horrible job that you hate to do? Is the fool freer than the wise man?

Freedom actually begins within yourself. If you are able to feel, be passionate, fall in love, dream, search for alternative perspectives in life, rationalize positive and constructive criticism, find all sides of the same coin or shout out your innermost feelings, then you express your freedom.

Furthermore, you can be sure that in the solitude of your mind you are truly free. It does not matter what your external environment tells you, what any government is trying to make you believe or how much others want to control you. In your heart and your soul you possess all the freedom in the world to be yourself, intimate, passionate, unique…

Freedom at sunset

Our ability to dream, fantasize, believe, see, interpret and be ourselves in all possible ways is something that no one can take away from us if we really believe in it.

Do not seek freedom in physical spaces or within the boundaries of a city or country. Look for it within yourself, your feelings, your love and your bonds. Only there can you find it in a truly immaculate form.

Expressions like crying when you read a poem, being excited about a movie, laughing at a book, dreaming about what you want to achieve, achieving your goals, being yourself… only then can you find true freedom. All this is only in one place: within you.

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