Never Miss Threads To Embroider Your Dreams

Never miss threads to embroider your dreams

Maturity has taught me what my priorities are. I can now pick up the threads in my life with more courage and integrity, for this time I will use the colored threads to weave an existence that is much stronger and more colorful. One that reflects my dreams.

Often, and without a certain age for this, there comes a time when we partake of the “vital tissue” that we have built up to this point. We suddenly realize that there is a big problem. Between what we are and what we do: we do not like any of it and none of it gives us happiness.

Our life paths form intricate labyrinths of frustrations, fears and mental blockages. And sometimes we can become permanently trapped within these. We lose those colorful threads that embroider our dreams and desires in the past. That’s when uncertainty arises, and the fear that can erode you…

Is this the life that will always be waiting for me? Have all my trains of opportunity already passed?


Senoi, the dream translators

Senoi is a Malaysian tribe that has always been very interesting to anthropologists, psychologists and sociologists. One of the habits they have had since ancient times is to talk every morning as a family about the dreams and nightmares they have experienced during the night.

This is not something that is seen as magic. What the Senoi tribe is trying to do is understand the needs of each family member through these dream images. To be able to analyze what each family member explains, this tribe tends to climb bamboo huts to stay away from the ground. Away from the “physical world”.

The amazing thing about this practice is, according to studies conducted by several experts, that Senoi are a very happy social group. These catharsis encounters allow them to “gather” the threads of their reality to get to know themselves better. In this village there are no violent acts, and no one suffers from mental illness.


It would no doubt have been interesting for you to know what kind of techniques Senoi uses to confront the fears that are most often reflected in our dreams. If you want to do that, there are some very interesting books, such as “Senoi Dream Therapy: Myth, Scientific Method and the Dreamwork” by the psychologist William Domhoff.

However, here are some short examples you can use:

  • Threats that arise within a dream or a nightmare are a reality that we should acknowledge and deal with.
  • Your dreams and goals can be found behind that “monster” or that “shadow” in your dream. You should know how to handle it to be able to find new paths.
  • If you dream that you are falling down a mountain or through a hole, these are images that are related to anxiety. You should visualize for two days that soft flowers are waiting for you after each fall.
  • Another piece of advice from Senoi is the following. When we dream and are aware of this, we should try to create friendships, bonds and caring.

To regain the threads that embroider our dreams

We are often overwhelmed with uncertainty about what we want to be and who we are now. In these moments, there is only one alternative: change. These are not sudden changes because “vital tsunamis” do not always guarantee success.

It’s more about letting yourself flow while creating small changes, new routes, new people, new thoughts. All this gives us new threads with which we embroider our dreams. Dreams we have had before that we for some reason have simply put on the shelf.


Steps to start change and achieve your personal goals

In order to create change, no matter how small, we must accept that we will go through a crisis. These are the threads that offer resistance. They stick and they are marked into our skin, trying to prevent us from taking the steps we need.

  • Do not be afraid of the pain that comes with letting go. There are some threads that should be cut because they no longer hold up much weight. We must release them in order to find other, more beautiful threads to embroider our dreams with. Better projects.
  • Think about your intuition. This dimension that connects directly to our emotions and the subconscious that Senoi could interpret so well. It whispers truths that we do not always listen to.
  • We should be clear about what we want for ourselves. If you want peace, leave behind those who torment you. If you want love, start loving yourself. Work with your self-esteem if you are looking for confirmation. And if you want freedom, look for the keys to your chains.

The threads that embroider our dreams are waiting for us right now in every corner. They are waiting in the smiles of the people we know and even strangers we encounter. Believe it or not, there are still many platforms that accept trains with our names on them. And because it is never a good idea to let small minds convince us that our dreams are too big.

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