Learning To Love Yourself: 5 Recommendations

Learning to love yourself: 5 recommendations

It is very important for your emotional health that you learn to love yourself. It is very important that you are positive towards others, but it is also important that you are positive towards yourself. You will live with yourself for the rest of your life.

To love oneself means to appreciate oneself. Exercising self-love is a type of healthy selfishness where you prioritize yourself and treat yourself well. This means that you understand who you are and accept both your strengths and weaknesses.

It is only when you learn to love yourself as if you were your own child that you will also be able to love others. If you underestimate yourself, you will never be able to improve your self-confidence or self-esteem. It is of the highest priority that you learn to love yourself.

Many people think they do not love themselves. This is not entirely true. We love ourselves because it is impossible not to do so. However, there are people who think that they still do not love themselves, but what they really mean by this is that there are certain parts of them and their personality that they do not like.

You can also feel that you do not love yourself when you feel guilty about something you have said or thought. This is quite normal because you are not perfect. Everyone has their weaknesses, and you have to learn to deal with yours, but that’s not a reason for you not to love yourself.

Person holding paper heart.

Many psychological problems can occur if you have low self-esteem, and it is a condition that is related to addiction problems, seeking attention and disorders such as anxiety and depression.

People with low self-esteem not only treat themselves badly, but also tend to depress others. In other words, they project their own bad thoughts about themselves onto others. They also show other symptoms:

  • A desire to control others.
  • The person may be abused by partners, colleagues or friends.
  • It gives rise to dependent relationships with people, institutions, ideals and substances.
  • The person hates and / or hates himself.

As you can see, low self-esteem gives rise to various work-related and personal problems.

It is important to learn to love yourself to protect yourself from disease because low self-esteem can cause depression, anxiety and eating disorders.

In older people, low self-esteem is related to poor health, greater disability, anxiety, depression and pain. Low self-esteem can also be a risk factor that can lead to suicide. In each case, however, there are different factors that together contribute to the problem. This means, for example, that it is not only the poor self-esteem that gives rise to an eating disorder.

Woman sad.

It is important for your self-esteem that you learn to love yourself, and you can use the following strategies for this:

Speak to yourself in a positive way

The way you talk to yourself has consequences. If you constantly criticize yourself, you will feel bad. If, on the other hand, you treat yourself with respect and think about the language you use, you will feel much better.

If you constantly judge yourself, you will not be able to develop in personality. It is important that you learn to see your positive aspects and also that you accept your negatives. It is not possible to change all its negative properties, because it is not human. In fact, you can only change if you accept these negative aspects.

Take care of body and soul

The body and the soul cannot be separated. What is positive for the body will also be positive for the soul. This means that you will feel better in general by taking care of yourself both physically and spiritually.

A balanced diet, a good night’s sleep, exercising every week, listening to nice music, taking walks, a dinner by candlelight with someone you like – all these are things that can make you feel better.

See mistakes as opportunities to learn something instead of punishing yourself

You should not punish yourself if you make a mistake. We all make mistakes and we must accept them as part of our lives. Of course, it is best to never make any mistakes at all, but this is not so realistic.

You can learn something from every mistake . It is better to focus on what you learn from the mistake instead of tormenting yourself because you did something wrong.

Coffee with happy old man.

Avoid contradictory messages

A contradictory message is a message that is both a compliment and a critique at the same time. It is very common for people with low self-esteem to say such a thing. Let’s take an example “You did the job very well, but it took you a very long time”.

Stop this kind of contradictory message and instead say something to yourself in the style of “I think I did a really good job!”.

Go to healthy places, build healthy relationships and engage in healthy activities

Healthy places are the places where you find peace and can feel happy that you are alive. It can be a mountain, a sea, a park… If you are mostly at home, you can surround yourself with things that make you feel good. For example, you can re-furnish your home in a way that gives you peace of mind.

Healthy people are the ones who give you peace and energy. Connect with people you like and avoid toxic relationships.

Healthy activities give you the strength to deal with life’s everyday stress. You can read an interesting book, watch a movie, play sports or simply just rest.

As you can see, it is very important that you learn to love yourself. To be able to succeed with this, of course, it requires training and that you constantly take care of yourself to improve your emotional health. In this way, you will be able to build a happy life.

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