31 Powerful Tips From Tibetan Wisdom

31 powerful tips from Tibetan wisdom

What are we looking for in the world? Health, peace, money, love? Tibetan wisdom provides us with a possible answer: we seek happiness within ourselves to experience it with others.

Tibetan Buddhism developed in the Himalayas, spread and became important in areas such as northern India, Nepal and Bhutan. Show Tibetan monks have given us many tips for living happier and richer lives. Here are some of them.

Tibetan wisdom that you can incorporate into your life

1 – Speak slowly, but think fast.

2 – Do not judge other people based on their family.

3 – When you say “I love you”, say it with honesty, with heart and not out of habit.

4 – When you say “Sorry”, do so by looking the listener in the eye. Forgiveness must come from the heart.

5 – Never laugh at another person’s dreams and do not discourage them from following them.

6 – Give people more than they expect from you, and do it with joy.

7 – Always keep your favorite poem or phrase in mind so that it can always guide you.

8 – Do not believe everything you hear, and do not spend everything you have; slept as if there is no tomorrow.

9 – The greatest love and the greatest accomplishments always involve risk.

10 – When you lose, try to learn a lesson.

11 – Respect yourself, respect others and take responsibility for all your actions.

12 – Do not let a small dispute hurt a great friendship.

13 – When you know you have made a mistake, do not try to hide it. On the contrary, you should confront it and try to find a quick fix.

14 – Spend at least a few minutes a day reflecting on your actions.

15 – You should be open to change, but never let go of your values.


16 – Sometimes silence is the best answer.

17 – Read more books.

18 – Trust people, but always lock your door.

19 – Even if you do not agree with your loved ones, never bring up the past.

20 – Read people between the lines.

21 – Share everything with children, especially your knowledge. This is the only way to achieve immortality.

22 – Be kind to the ground. Every day she gives you everything you need.

23 – Never interrupt anyone when they praise.

24 – Do not get involved in other people’s business and do not give advice unnecessarily.

25 – Do not trust anyone who kisses without closing their eyes.

26 – Visit a place you have never been to at least once a year.

27 – If you make more money than you need, use some to help others.

28 – Remember that not all wishes can come true.

29 – Respect the elderly; they have gone through what you have not yet come to.

30 – Assess your success according to the sacrifices you had to make to achieve it.

31 – Your “I” is the end of your journey, in other words the way to achieve a deep understanding of who you are inside.

Gabriel García Márquez said that wisdom comes to us too late… I think it comes to us early in life, but we do not yet know how to access it. We spend half our lives trying to get answers to everything and get everything we want.

If we were to use these tips from Tibetan wisdom and direct our actions in accordance with these values, we would reach an inner peace that would make our lives much easier. We live in a world that has no place for spirituality and for caring for ourselves, so this is extremely important to explore. Seeking answers within ourselves is difficult, but it’s worth it.

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