Do Not Be Afraid Of Your Fear, Send It Away

Do not be afraid of your fear, send it away

Feeling afraid is normal. This is because the brains of all living beings immediately react with self-defense when risks arise. In other words, dangerous situations instinctively activate a protection system against possible attacks or situations that can cause an imbalance.

In humans , the way we deal with fear is the result of the confluence of instinctive mechanisms and experiences gathered in different situations. From this point of view, it can be said that when you are faced with a threat, the survival instincts are activated first, but a learned mental process also leads you to act in one way or another.

Bear hugs woman

But reactions to fear vary from person to person. Some people act aggressively while others stand still, without being able to find a possible solution to the danger they face. There are also people who can keep a cool head and think fast to avoid the threat or confront it properly.

Man has a complex psyche. Fear is not always a response to real threats. Sometimes it is a reaction to thoughts or fantasies that arise from traumatic experiences. These give rise to fears of dangers that do not exist, but which can be very intrusive and even socially handicapping.

There is a universal truth: fear is overcome by confronting it. Very easy to say, but very difficult to implement. Fear is actually a feeling of great power, and if you can transform it into an inner strength that allows you to move on, you will become a safer and freer person.

When faced with a situation that causes tension and has a firm will to overcome it, ask yourself some questions that can help you: Why do I feel this way? What memories or feelings do I experience? How do I react and in which part of the body do I feel that the fear is hiding?

The answers will allow you to define the fear and avoid similar situations in the future. So the first thing is to realize why the fear arises. In this way, we can identify its causes and the role it plays in situations we experience. Becoming aware of the causes allows us to evaluate whether it is consistent with a real fear or a fabricated imbalance in our lives.

Woman in nature

To identify the nature of your fears, you must:

  • Stop and take yourself to a quiet environment where you can reflect on the fears you are experiencing. Try to take a deep breath and calm down so that your consciousness can flow better.
  • More than anything else , you should not feel guilty because you are afraid and remember that it is normal. You can fight it a little at a time.
  • Trust yourself. Remember that in this fear there are also things to learn about yourself. It can be a fantastic lesson.

Do not look at your fear as an enemy, for it is adaptable. In reality, many mistakes are made out of fear, but it also performs great deeds. He who is afraid of failure sometimes puts in a little extra effort. He who is afraid of losing his freedom can tackle incredible risks to preserve it.

This is not an easy process. It is achieved just as all great achievements in life are achieved: with perseverance, patience and step by step. The only determining factor in connection with fear is that there is a genuine decision to overcome it. There is no other way to achieve this than by designing a strategy that makes you comfortable enough to see it with the naked eye.

If you fight fear irrationally and without understanding its basis, you will probably be able to deal with it immediately and easily. However, you will not have taken hold of its root, so it may reappear at any time. Your fear is something you have to think about; it is not good to let yourself be swept away by careless outbursts without awareness of what you are doing.

To be suffocated by fear

As the popular saying goes: “Fear is an action and courage is a reaction”. Remember this in moments when you feel terrified, immobile or unwilling to move forward with your plans. Otherwise, you may regret paying attention to the fear, and not your true dreams and desires.

Do not forget that fear is expressed physically and mentally. Physically, you can fight it with good breathing techniques in times of crisis. It is a method that can help you better understand your body and identify the changes that are taking place in it, so that you can control them.

But it’s not enough. You need to talk about it and express your feelings to others, write them down or just look at yourself in the mirror and talk to yourself about what is happening. These are perfect resources to find the balance you need. Your fear is not overcome by hiding from it, so do not be afraid to send it away.

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