What Makes Life Happier: Stability Or Change?

What makes life happier: stability or change?

How would you define yourself? As a person with wings? Or maybe like someone with roots? It is often not easy to choose between the one and the other; between stability and change. Life is not black or white. Our existence is painted in grayscale. It is filled with small circumstances that lead us from one path to another.

Sometimes we feel the indefinable desire to spread our wings and escape from the life we ​​live now. Escape from what currently surrounds us. We can not always do that, because we all have roots – some deeper than others – that prevent us from leaving our lives completely. This type of change requires a lot of determination, and it is not always easy to find.

What is better then? Stability or change?

The truth is that there is no right answer to this question. The truth is that the only thing that is real is “circumstances”. Vital moments where we must choose to drop anchor or sail away to new countries. Crucial moments when we need to take courage.

A life of stability or change

Some people are unable to sit still. They are constantly looking over their shoulder at the wide horizon. They feel that they must go further in their search for new purposes, for new dreams to fulfill in order to fill their hungry hearts. Their hearts are seldom satisfied.

These people do not fit into routines. They rebel and move forward on their journey while leaving people, memories, joy and even sadness behind. A life with wings does not always provide true happiness, but it does produce plenty of opportunities to search for your true essence.

But people with roots then? Sometimes they are described as conformists. As a type of personality that seeks stability because it is synonymous with security and belonging. A place without changes where you are not faced with unexpected and new things. A place of peaceful tranquility where you can build a life according to your own values.

So who is happier? He who always flies away? Or he who feels the need to sink his roots deeper and deeper? Stability or change? Taken to extreme levels, none of them are perfect. It is precisely in the balance of these two dimensions that the true meaning of life exists. People who only seek change and movement may never find peace. Their existence will always be filled with questions that are rarely answered.

On the other hand , people who feel the need for stability can be content with a life of suffering, only because they are afraid of change. They may fall into the trap of believing that it is better to be quiet and not ask questions, so as not to discover that there are other possibilities. Other options that could make them happier.

Yoga with feathers

Finding a balance

As the saying goes: “It’s hard to fall in love with someone with wings. But it is also difficult to tear up someone’s roots. ”

What is really worth something in life is to let yourself feel and experience things with wisdom and maturity. Understanding that life involves a series of continuous changes. We must be able to confront all the restless tides of life. Sometimes it comes with good things, and sometimes less good.

The important thing is to allow yourself to feel each experience. When you feel happy, plant your roots so that it lasts as long as possible and does not slip between your fingers. Be brave and accept the challenge of stability and belonging.

However, if you later find that happiness has been tainted by suffering, then you should accept that reality with courage and fly away with maturity and integrity.

Your happiness is always the most important thing in life, and a healthy life needs both wings and roots. The key lies in balance, in this simple wisdom.

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