Going To A Psychologist: Questions And Answers

Going to a psychologist: Questions and answers

Therapy may be a methodology that has been developed over decades in many countries, but there are still taboos linked to this. Many people have questions before making their first visit to a psychologist. Here are some of the most common questions and doubts people have before starting therapy.


Why go to a psychologist?

Isn’t therapy just for crazy people?

It seems that there is still a collective perception that only those with mental problems go to the psychologist. Mental illness may be one of the branches of this science, but it is not the only one.

Going into therapy can help you solve your childhood problems, with your partner, your parents or yourself, and you do not have to be crazy to do this. Anyone who wants to improve their lives can go into therapy.

Push your preconceived notions aside and do not worry about what your loved ones will think when you tell them you are seeing a psychologist.

Does the psychologist need to know everything about me?

You do not have to tell something you do not want to share, but remember that this is a professional who wants to help you. It’s not the police, Säpo, the CIA or a priest. They will not use the information against you.

In therapy, you can tell what you feel to share with the therapist. The therapist does not have superhuman powers that allow him to know your problems just by looking at you, nor does he have a crystal ball that predicts the future. A psychologist uses techniques he or she has learned to understand your reality based on what you say. That’s why it’s not good to lie; it is counterproductive for you, and not for the psychologist.

Can I fool the psychologist?

Like we said above , it is not worth hiding things or lying to your therapist.

The relationship between doctor and patient must always be based on honesty on both sides, so if you spend your therapy fooling your therapist, you will not be able to improve anything. What is the point of going into therapy if you are willing to lie?


What if it feels weird to talk about something?

This is understandable because you are a person with feelings like everyone else. You do not have to go into too much detail, describe the smallest aspect of a situation or talk about intimate things.

Shame or embarrassment will go away as the meetings progress and you will build trust in your therapist. You will hopefully unlock a way to express your feelings, such as pain, fear, sadness, joy, elation, anger, etc.

How long will I need therapy?

Do you remember that we wrote a few lines up that therapists do not have a crystal ball? This also applies to how many appointments are required to treat a patient.

Some patients make the actual decision to stop walking and sometimes the therapist may discharge a patient. There is no exact formula for determining the amount of time you need to spend with a psychologist. There are people who go to meetings for a few months, two years or a lifetime.

It all depends on several factors, including the goal of going to the therapist. Remember that the therapist is not a magician and can not perform miracles.

Do not think that all your problems from childhood or 20 years in a marriage will be solved in two meetings. Everything takes time.

What type of therapy should I choose?

Another aspect that determines the number of sessions with psychological treatment is the type of therapy that is chosen or offered.

Some options are psychoanalytic therapy (working with the patient’s past and subconscious mental processes), behavioral therapy (based on behavior and learning habits), cognitive behavioral therapy (discussing the present and focusing on how to change), strategic short-term therapy (working with a specific problem) and humanistic therapy (working with the patient’s emotions so that he can get to know himself).

Hopefully these tips will give you a slightly better understanding of what it is like to see a psychologist.

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