5 Differences Between Narcissism And Self-esteem

5 differences between narcissism and self-esteem

David Levithan once said “Narcissism. You did not think I did not own a large mirror ”. Reality is really trying to justify its existence, and also its self-esteem. It is therefore easy to confuse narcissism with self-esteem. However, there are major differences between the two, and we will talk about them in this article.

Both narcissism and self-esteem somehow try to justify their existence. So what’s the difference? Why are they so easily mixed together? It is easy. Narcissism tries to assert itself by showing itself, while self-esteem does so by simply existing.

When we follow the reasoning above, it is clear that narcissism and self-esteem are two opposites when it comes to their motivation and how they manifest themselves in reality. Let us first address two psychologists who have worked with this confusion – Pilar Mallor and Manuel Villegas.

Woman looking in the mirror

In their research, we find clear differences between narcissism and self-esteem, despite the existence of behaviors that may at first seem similar. How do we distinguish between these behaviors? Continue reading…

The main difference between a narcissistic person and a person who has a high self-esteem is that narcissists have an exaggerated and distorted perception of how important they are. Those who have a good self-esteem, on the other hand, experience an inner contentment that is less inflated and more authentic.

The narcissist tries to achieve security through an exaggerated self-image which in reality is a distorted self-perception. They show an internal vacuum where an insecure person hides.

A person with a high self-esteem, on the other hand, can base their well-being on good relationships. He does not place undue emphasis on his self-image. Having self-confidence does not mean that you have to exaggerate your success in front of others. This means that you are simply just happy for them.

People who have a high self-esteem are determined. These people know how to listen and choose the opportunities to talk. They do this with knowledge and always contribute value to the conversation. They have an emotional and social intelligence. They are also patient and know that they will have a valid opinion when it is their turn.

However, the narcissist admires his self-image and needs attention. He always tries to be in the spotlight. The center of the party. He informs everyone that he is present. He needs to be constantly worshiped by others.

In addition to the point we have made above, narcissists also differ because they do not have the ability to be empathetic. A person with a healthy self-esteem can develop through social interaction as well as the patience and empathy they have that is important for being able to listen actively.

People with shared brains

A narcissist thinks only of himself and his self-image. However, a person with a healthy self-esteem has a better ability to bond with others. By not having a great need to be like others, you can focus on putting yourself in other people’s situation. This will make it easier for you to understand the views, ideologies and feelings of others.

Another way to differentiate a narcissist from a person with a healthy self-esteem is selfishness. It is easy to believe that a person is full of self-love, even though she is really so full of doubt that she is her own worst enemy.

A person with a high self-esteem knows when and how to show generosity and is cooperative, but it is not something that the narcissist can do. If this person will not benefit from anything, it is difficult for the person to make an effort.

Arrogance is another difference between narcissistic people and those with high self-esteem. The former shows no concern for anything but themselves, but people with high self-esteem love others and have a sense of worth. They appreciate the beautiful challenge of helping others.

Women sitting next to each other

In his arrogance, the narcissist is often aggressive, jealous and needs to dominate others in order to feel good. She can not accept criticism and tends to take it personally. She will not learn from her mistakes, because she has great difficulty seeing and accepting them.

A narcissistic person and a person with a high self-esteem may seem very similar at first glance. But as time goes on, we will soon see differences between the two personalities.

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